DARPA and Big Pharma: A Marriage Made in Hell

The following article from The Last American Vagabond by Derrick Broze is a chilling tale of military funding for biotech “solutions” to enrich hand-picked mega-companies in the global vaccine and drug business. Where there is money to be made, populations to be stamped out, minds to be controlled you will find the U.S. Military. We are the “global police” with an almost monopoly share in administering violence worldwide. It’s not called Full Spectrum Dominance for nothing. Meet the new “bad dude” in charge of “Operation Warp Speed.” Remember, speed kills.

The article also appears at Global Research: https://www.globalresearch.ca/trump-appoints-big-pharma-exec-connected-bill-gates-head-vaccine-developments/5726317

30 thoughts on “DARPA and Big Pharma: A Marriage Made in Hell

  1. And there’s more here for those interested: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/bats-gene-editing-bioweapons-recent-darpa-experiments-raise-concerns-amid-coronavirus-outbreak/

    “Research conducted by the Pentagon, and DARPA specifically, has continually raised concerns, not just in the field of bioweapons and biotechnology, but also in the fields of nanotechnology, robotics and several others. DARPA, for instance, has been developing a series of unsettling research projects that ranges from microchips that can create and delete memories from the human brain to voting machine software that is rife with problems.” – Whitney Webb

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I just got my copy of this book. I had to order it direct from Simon and Schuster. When done I’ll pass it on. I’ll make it a point to get through it quickly and do my usual grabbing. Will discuss later … I know the book is being suppressed, but not really.


  2. OT: There was a big YouTube purge today. I wanted to discuss it on Twitter, but it won’t allow tweets!

    They’re ALL About To Disappear – Purge 3.0 (Why You Should Care)
    16,345 views•Streamed live 3 hours ago

    YT Purged 2Day: SGTreport X22report EdgeofWonder AndWeknow DestroyingTheIllusion Ipot PrayingMedic WokeSocieties AmazingPolly ThePatriotHour TRUreporting RedPill78 SpaceShot76 DustinNemos IntheMatrix StroppyMe SarahWestall Truth&ArtTV JustInformedTalk
    @realDonaldTrump @HawleyMO
    3:31 PM · Oct 15, 2020·Twitter Web App


    1. His channel isn’t shut down. Although a perfect example of a doom and gloomer, and he gets to charge only 2.99 a month for that doom and gloom. Seems like most here are still focused on verifying a virus and the validity of the testing, which is very educational and excellent discussion for those that are just coming on board with what has been happening. The global shutdown is NOT on the way! I guess it’s just my viewpoint from all the fine print i’m looking at, and in a way at this point it’s a wait and see type of vibe which opens the door for a lot fear mongering.


      1. “The global shutdown is NOT on the way!”

        What the hell are you talking about man? The Great Reset is out in the open. I call it World War W for more than one reason, but the main one is that they’re gonna cleanse the internet.

        It is all out in the open, you can deny reality, but that won’t save you when it hits.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Greg, have you been following what’s going on, and especially outside of your little safe bubble?

        As of November 5, the UK (and other parts of Europe) goes in strict lockdown again.

        Denialism is even more dangerous to the mind than fear mongering.


  3. Do I look like someone who promotes polygamy to you? Of course, there’s more than these two. Can’t recall ever claiming that, ever, anywhere. If I ever write a book I’ll take that under advisement. Thanks for your input.


  4. I meant a 2nd global shutdown. People keep fear mongering that it’s going to get worse and never improve. There is no real virus killing people en mass. It all pertains to what happened last year in September in the financial arena. Things are open in my town and have been for awhile. Besides having to wear a mask where it’s store policy, people are hitting the bars, going out to eat, buying new cars, houses, getting married and living large like nothing happened. As for the doom and gloomers looks like the are pushing 2025 and 2030 as the big one. So stock up, buy gold and bitcoin and guns. Prepare yourselves…pfft! no thanks i’m going to get a pizza and a beer……without a wearing a mask!


  5. While some have awoken from their “everything is fake, no, Stalinism didn’t kill millions” Fakeology 1.0 slumber, others have turned into New Normies. Still at Vanity Fair levels mumbling about “Paul is dead” or other such nonsense.

    We are in the middle of a War, the Great Reset is coming, but too many online characters keep behaving like lemmings.

    It is time to stand up against this tyranny. And that can only happen if we are aWARE. of it. And not denialism like Greg here displays. Let him play cards in the trenches but not drag down the resistance against Animal Farmer tyranny!

    aSHIFT. now. If you care about your own life and the ones you aDORE. that is.


  6. aSHIFT: “a new economic, spiritual and mental life philosophy
    based on mutual organic profit and uncompromised truth
    For a Fair, Fortunate and Fertile Future!”

    Just how do you propose to reconcile “profit” and “truth?” Where does this leave (truth) Nature?

    Seems to me to be another version of the pre-supposition that: …it is necessary to create problems, govern (steer) the reaction to those problems, and finally to patent the unnatural solution for profitable gain. Am I not visualizing this correctly?

    Nothing new is required if truth is the ultimate objective. Nature’s (God’s) Design — referring to all things that exist in Nature– is complete, thank you so much, without man’s imagination and intentional interference (design) of man’s various art forms, which all stand in opposition to Nature’s harmonic totality of simply being. Why is it never enough to marvel at the perfection of what already exists?


    1. Seems to me to be another version of the pre-supposition that: …it is necessary to create problems, govern (steer) the reaction to those problems, and finally to patent the unnatural solution for profitable gain. Am I not visualizing this correctly?

      Huh, eh no. We wouldn’t exist without profit. Profit is what drives everything, up to the smallest cell in your body.

      The whole basis of it is Gaia, divinity. And knowing we are at War, with Satanists, who do everything to destroy Gaia (the Dehumanism, or Posthumanism, thank you OS, agenda, forget Transhumanism, us communicating while not being physically together IS Transhumanism. We live right in the Transhumanist age), and especially knowing that WE are the shamans, the ones who can see the future (“we are the first generation in history who can see the future, has never happened before“, Mollycast 12, with more gems and Artorius giving meaning to some of the words) and our moral obligation is to resist the tyranny thrown over us.

      We are the shepherds who need to lead the sheep (the Walmartians, thank you learnshare) over the sometimes scary paths towards a Future where we do not depend on (((them))), the Animal Farmers, the niggajews, the Crazy Apes, the psychos who see us as “goyim”, cattle, livestock.

      mutual profit = what nature is based on; symbiosis
      capitalism* = how nature works; free market trade of whatever value

      *not to be con-fused with the present system, corporatism, as shown at Fakeopedia, just as science an example of Satanic reversal in our language.

      Hence the importance of Newspeak (see the aSHIFT. page) and you’ll recognize words I invented or were the results of bouncing brains together around the fire of the thriving tribe at Eye am Eye Radio

      I just started the page a couple of days ago. You see it is work in progress, like any philosophy should be. If you have any questions, just let me know. In the Mollycasts at Eye am Eye Radio you find quite some information already.


  7. SYMBIOSIS is NOT ‘ mutual profit.’ Surely that is a contradiction of terms? Symbiosis is where each party accepts/ gives reciprocal benefit. That is NOT profit.
    Why can’t we all just live in peace ?
    Why can’t our energies be put into leading peaceful harmonic lives ?
    The earth can provide all our needs if only we were allowed to live normal lives. THEY are the ones who seek to destroy for PROFIT.


    1. SYMBIOSIS is NOT ‘ mutual profit.’ Surely that is a contradiction of terms? Symbiosis is where each party accepts/ gives reciprocal benefit. That is NOT profit.

      “Benefit” is subjective. Profit is objective. Of course symbiosis is leading to mutual profit, the benefits come later.

      If you’re on the street and someone gives you an umbrella that is profit. If it starts raining and you start using it, it gets benefit. But even if you don’t use it (that day) you have the profit (the umbrella) but (that day) not the benefit.

      Why can’t we all just live in peace ?
      Why can’t our energies be put into leading peaceful harmonic lives ?
      The earth can provide all our needs if only we were allowed to live normal lives.

      Exactly what aSHIFT. has in mind.

      “THEY are the ones who seek to destroy for PROFIT.”
      You’re mistaken. See my answer below to steve.


  8. Profit by definition seeks to gain advantage, creating hierarchy, which is certainly not what all of nature — with the exception of (dissociated) hu-mans — is all about. Redefining words is always confusing, which invariably leads to misunderstanding and division unnecessarily, IMO. Good luck with your project.


    1. Profit by definition seeks to gain advantage, creating hierarchy, which is certainly not what all of nature

      And here we see live the success of the marxist indoctrination system. You have given meanings to a word and made it “dirty” based on your indoctrination by the left. Profit is beautiful, has nothing to do with “taking advantage”. Profit is neutral and objective.

      — with the exception of (dissociated) hu-mans — is all about. Redefining words is always confusing, which invariably leads to misunderstanding and division unnecessarily, IMO. Good luck with your project.

      I am not redefining words, I stick to their original meaning. Like science. And I invent new words to combat the ongoing indoctrinations to us.

      antisocial distancing
      antisocial credit

      This “project” is the way to detach us step by step more and more from a system which is hostile to us (based on greed, violence and thus loss-not profit).

      “Off the grid ” has more meanings than just living in the forest without communication devices. It is all the detachment from the system. And by that we create our own grid.

      We make the net work.


      1. Okay, I’ll play along. Please select the definition of your choice to get us (you and me) on the same page, so to speak. http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/profit

        There are many dialects. Language is dialect with an army and navy to enforce its homogeneity — which is why local dialects are falling like flies in winter. I like “off-trail” exploration, so have at it.

        When we agree to a definition, moving to the next step will be easy. Right now I’m not seeing it, but that is not to say that I mind in the slightest “pushing heavy weights uphill.”


        1. It is very simple. Profit is what remains after you calculate gain minus loss.

          There is only profit if we work together under that philosophy. Mutual, shared profit. Again, if you have questions about how that would work, see the examples or just ask.

          But you seem to reject a whole new philosophy because you simply cannot get that cultural marxist programming out of you that has made you believe profit is anything bad.

          Hopefully others have a more open mind to beat what’s coming for us. You can always stay a New Normie of course. But sitting still while we KNOW the dark future ahead is madness.


          1. I have simply asked you for a definition. No rejection, in fact I said “I’ll play along.” If you want to make up new definitions for a well-worn word with many definitions already, that’s your business. If you don’t like the dictionary I selected, I’d accept another, your choice.

            If, however, you prefer to childishly call me names and belittle me without knowing anything about me, well then, this really is simple. You can fuck off. Your choice.


            1. I can “fuck off”?
              I thought you were genuinely interested. You are not. You want to fight over 1 fucking word. This is a whole new philosophy, all for free for you. But apparently you cannot just grasp the many ideas and thoughts by dozens of people online and offline that goes behind aSHIFT.

              I explained what profit is, I don’t need your marxist conditioning destroying the meaning of words and trying to blackwash the whole basis of life, profit. If you are so stuck in your conditioning and do not act on what is coming in the future, you are a New Normie, simple. You belittle yourself. I am just the messenger, no need to shoot me.


              1. GAIASPHERE , or whomever you are (your real name remains unknown),
                I am truly sorry you have chosen the way you have. Unfortunately for both of us, I must take my attention and curiosity elsewhere. I have a chicken house to clean today, and must find some straw to protect water pipes from the cold weather coming soon. The two standard poodles who ride along have only positive energy to share with me. The chickens, however appreciative of the fresh water and food I deliver to them daily, remain indifferent, but are never what I would describe as irritable or hostile toward me.

                With the excessive negative energy dominating the cosmos recently, I do not blame you for getting caught up in it all. Behind the persona I’m sure you’re a most likable guy.

                Here’s the thing, you can label me “New Normie” if you get joy from that sort of thing, but I have no idea that means. Call me whatever you like. Bottom line: I’m happy just being me. I know that is well below your expectation, or imagined form of who I am, but as I am will have to suffice. I insist. Again, my apologies for not blindly jumping on your “bandwagon.” Peace, love, over and out.

                steve kelly, bozeman, montana


                1. I don’t “insult” empty handed. I base my words on what I read and hear. New Normie, as explained in Mollycast 09, stands for the truth seekers online who just keep living their lives, without change, since the start of World War W.

                  If you keep doing that, and do not see that we need to ACT upon our knowledge of past and future, you are just as gullible as the other “normies”. And even worse, because WE SHOULD know better.

                  It baffles me seeing people who spent years to decades of their lives “waking up”, NOW, when the war is razing, the plans presented, so we KNOW the plans of the enemy, they refuse to use their acquired knowledge to do something, and especially to DETACH from a system we KNOW is hostile to us.

                  If anything I ask for it is constructive criticism. Not at all “bandwagons”, “blind jumping” or other allegations you make against me.

                  Part of the whole philosophy is the importance of peers correcting each other. With “profit” you didn’t correct me in any way, you just pushed your hatred for (because of your leftist leanings) and misunderstanding of (because you project the current corporatist system onto the word) capitalism.

                  So let’s use our heads and put capita back into capitalism.

                  Have a great day with the chickens, good to see you embrace aCORN. to keep you and your family aLIVE.


  9. It’s all just semantics.
    Personally I don ‘t need words. I can tell EXACTLY what someone REALLY means just by looking at their face. The dreaded mask does, I must say, make THAT a little more difficult !


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