
Since WWII, exposure to man‐made chemical substances have reached every nook and cranny on earth.  The European Chemicals Agency has recorded around 150,000 chemical substances in its database.  Most chemicals intended for commercial uses require little or no regulation before entering the market. Pharmaceuticals undergo what appears to be “rigorous” research and regulatory control, however, we know all too well how often the cover story distorts reality. Only when these multi-billion-dollar drugs chemical mixtures begin to exhibit their deadly “side-effects” out on the street do regulatory agencies scurry about for a quick fix.  There’s rarely a ban or recall.

Few chemicals are thoroughly tested for toxicity.  It is estimated that less than 20% of the many chemicals on the market receive a proper assessment of risks to public health and the environment. Chemicals are one of the three primary known causes of cancer – along with radiation and viruses.

Part I our investigation focused primarily on hexachlorophene and its deadly side-effects.  A trail of illness and death led the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to issue a recall of consumer products containing more than 0.75% hexachlorophene in 1972.  Health authorities around the world also clamped down on its use, which affected literally hundreds of consumer products. Until it was ordered off the over-the-counter market in 1972, hexachlorophene was produced at the rate of 4 million pounds a week in the United States for use in soaps, cosmetics, toothpaste, lotions and other products. Hexachlorophene is produced by alkylation of trichlorophenol with formaldehyde.

One animal study was conducted where beagle dogs were fed hexachlorophene in the diet for 13 weeks. Principle effects noted, from the EPA Site, “…were swollen salivary glands, dry mouth, and status spongiosis in the brain, optic nerve, spinal cord and sciatic nerve at all dose levels tested.”  Neurotoxic effects were observed in a similar study using rats.  The chemical has been banned by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) based on these neurotoxic effects.

“I remember reading a commissioner’s meeting minutes where they opined that there were probably something like six to 12 products that had hexachlorophene in them. It turned out that there were something like 1,500 products with hexachlorophene.   … About 600 of those were recalled. They were mostly products that used hexachlorophene as a preservative; if the percentage was not minimal, up to three-quarters of a percent, they were moved behind the counter as prescription products; and if it was more than three-quarters of a percent, it was recalled.” (Swann, J., & Tucker, R. A. (2003)).

Some will remember Ipana toothpaste with the red stripe (hexachlorophene).  “Cleaner than fluoride (another killer chemical)…”

Kids ate the stuff up because it looked like liquid candy-canes,  with “Bucky Beaver” singing the jingle, ad nauseam on tv .  “Brusha, brusha, brusha.”

Or you could smear it all over your face   for “blemish free” skin.  Cover Girl cosmetics, another popular skin-care produce, was competing with

Revlon, and others trying to capture the “high rollers” market.  Or, you may remember: Max Factor’s Skin Clear Medicated Cleanser, Dorothy Gray’s Liquid Cleansing Cream, Tussy’s Medicated Lotion, Revlon’s Clean-Clear Foaming Cleanser and Helena Rubinstein’s Beauty Dew Cleansing Cream.  Other products included surgical scrubs, cosmetics, toothpastes, mouthwashes, anti-dandruff shampoos, antiperspirants and feminine deodorant sprays.  Its use extended to many more unregulated products, including food, as a general preservative.

The owner of the original patent refused to sell hexachlorophene to companies that failed to demonstrate a safe and effective use of it and would not allow it in toothpaste and mouthwash. As soon as the patent expired in the mid-60’s, the FDA permitted it in toothpaste and mouthwash.  Pond scum.

Remember, this stuff penetrated THROUGH the skin, and caused PIN HOLES in the brain stem.  Pin holes were known from animal research.  What did the FDA do?  Nothing!  Launched a human experiment to see if lecithin couldn’t repair some of the damage caused by greedy industrialists and FDA’s abdication.

Right around the time – coincidentally enough – hexachlorophene was being recalled, a fabulous new “diet fad” appeared.  The “apple cider diet” was a mix of apple cider liquid, kelp, vitamin B6, and lecithin.  It was promoted heavily in family Family Circle magazine, claiming to boost thyroid action, emulsify body fat, stimulate metabolism – all to lose weight. The timing is suspicious. Lecithin may have been added as an ass-covering maneuver to reverse some of the brain-stem damage caused by unregulated consumer uses of hexachlorophene.

There was a run on lecithin at health food stores, which, in turn caused a supply shortage.  One food distributer, Trophic International Inc., operating in Orem, Utah, could no longer get the granular lecithin which they normally carried.  So, in about 1972-73 they introduced a new lecithin product consisting of 60% defatted soy flour, 35% liquid lecithin, and small amounts of dolomite, choline, and inositol.  Trophic was able to undersell regular lecithin granules.  The American Lecithin Company, Central Soya, and others protested to the FDA.

In November, 1977, the FDA insisted that Trophic change the deceptive name of their product to “Soy Flour and Soy Lecithin Granules with Choline.”  Other FDA letters followed, demanding compliance, listing 40 violations.  Trophic finally complied and changed the name to “Soy and Lecithin Granules.”

Other lecithin products began to be sold into health and natural food markets.  Sunrise-brand soy lecithin and a mint-flavored soy lecithin by Fearn Natural Foods entered the market.  Later, Canasoy introduced Soya Lecithin Spread, which was marketed as a non-hydrogenated margarine. for those concerned with eating hydrogenated fats. The ingredients, in order of predominance, were soy oil, soy lecithin, honey, carrot oil, (for color) and sea salt.  In many health food stores, soy lecithin became the best-selling and best-known food derived from soybeans.

Pin holes were known from animal research.  Lecithin is an important fatty acid that helps the body digest and utilize the fats and oils that are critical in maintaining efficient brain and nerve function.  The human brain is approximately (dry weight) 30% lecithin.  How well the lecithin “diet” repaired – or plugged – the pin holes caused by unregulated hexachlorophene use may never be known, nobody was/is looking.

Dioxin, a known carcinogen, is the byproduct in the manufacture of hexachlorophene?  Dioxin contamination is now a global problem.  Unquantified amounts were dumped in waterways and spread over the land prior to 1976. Before then, state and federal controls on disposal of dioxin or other toxic wastes simply did not exist. Generators gave their waste to low-bid contractors with little, or no, regard for what happened next.

Thanks to the persistent investigations of one Reagan-era EPA researcher, Daniel Harris, the indiscriminate dumping of dioxin-laden waste was exposed as a public health menace.  As early as 1971, truckloads of dioxin waste from a hexachlorophene manufacturer in Verona, Missouri, were discharged onto local roads and horse arenas.  Surrounding towns were affected by similar indiscriminate dumping practices.  Nearby Fenton and Ellisville, MO also found leaking barrels and records of dioxin-contaminated waste disposal on roads and horse arenas.  Horses, contaminated fish were found and tested in local streams and rivers, dogs, cats and birds died, and people were getting sick. More contaminated sites were discovered in Missouri, South and East of St. Louis.  But it wasn’t until 1981 that Harris and the EPA would do the comprehensive sampling and testing of homesites and horse arenas the would begin to rip the lid off the dioxin crisis and coverup.

Finally, on May 12, 1982, the EPA finalized plans to sample the arenas and the residences. Tests made at Times Beach, MO turned up positive.  Judy Piatt, former co-owner of one of the contaminated stables, maintained detailed records of toxic discharging dating back to 1971. Over 10 years passed before anyone would listen to her story.

It was the December flood of the Meramec River at Times Beach, MO that shook the nation, EPA and Reagan White House.  Reagan fired and replaced high-level EPA officials, and ordered the Justice Dept. and FBI to investigate criminal activity and coverup. This agency scandal would trigger a new wave of environmental politics that nobody in Washington was prepared for.

The flood and dioxin contamination of Times Beach forced the Reagan administration to spend $33 million to “buy out” the entire town of Times Beach.  There was no more hiding the fact that America’s land and water had been contaminated with deadly, toxic chemicals. whose ultimate threat to humans can only be estimated in the broadest terms.

Based on animal research and a small number of human epidemiological studies, the E.P.A. was forced to explain to the American people that dioxin was one of the most potent compounds ever created, but its effects on humans were not well known. In Missouri, 100 horses and countless other animals died from dioxin poisoning.  Between 40 pounds – 50 pounds of could not be accounted for.  People close to dioxin sites knew that the federal government had been notified and did nothing about dioxin contamination for over 10 years.

In Michigan, residents began to imagine what kind of special hell they may suffer from a 1973 accident when 1,000 to 2,000 pounds of polybrominated biphenyls, or PBB’s, were mixed with animal feed.  PBB’s, are known carcinogens normally used as a fire retardant. Over 30,000 head of cattle and 1.5 million chickens had to be destroyed. A medical study found that 97 percent of Michigan residents retained residual amounts of the chemical in their tissue five years after the contamination.

Terms like ‘Cancer Alley’ and ‘Cancer Corridor’ were coined to describe contaminated areas in Louisiana and the lower Mississippi valley – between Baton Rouge and New Orleans — with higher than normal cancer rates, and high concentrations of petrochemical production and pollution.

Missouri and the lower Mississippi are not the only areas contaminated with dioxin and PPBs. Today, the term persistent organic pollutants (POPs) refers to wide array of chemicals with the common characteristics of toxicity and resistance to degradation. Many POPs are highly lipophilic – tending to combine with or dissolve in lipids or fats – and thereby accumulate in adipose (fat) tissue with a half‐life from 1 month up to several years. The best‐known POPs are polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins, brominated flame retardants and organochlorine (OC) pesticides, such as dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT). The problem of organic pollutants is global. Although formation of dioxins is local, environmental distribution is global. Dioxins are found throughout the world in the environment. The highest levels of these compounds are found in some soils, sediments and food, especially dairy products, meat, fish and shellfish. Very low levels are found in plants, water and air.

Another group are high‐volume produced chemicals used in the production of plastics and include bisphenol A and phthalates. Most of these compounds are not lipophilic, but because of their widespread use in daily life, they are measurable in the circulation in almost all individuals in the industrialized world.

The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants was adopted on 22 May 2001 in Stockholm, Sweden. The Convention entered into force on 17 May 2004.  Here’s their “dirty dozen” list:

Dioxins are a group of chemically-related compounds that are persistent environmental pollutants (POPs).  Found in the fatty tissue of animals, over 90% of human exposure is through food, mainly meat and dairy products, fish and shellfish. Dioxins are highly toxic and can cause reproductive and developmental problems, damage the immune system, interfere with hormones and also cause cancer. The higher an animal is in the food chain, the higher the concentration of dioxins.

Certain dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) with similar toxic properties are also included under the term “dioxins”. Some 419 types of dioxin-related compounds have been identified but only about 30 of these are considered to have significant toxicity, with TCDD being the most toxic.

Dioxins are unwanted by-products of a wide range of manufacturing processes including smelting, chlorine bleaching of paper pulp and the manufacturing of some herbicides and pesticides. Not much has changed:  See:

All people have background exposure and a certain level of dioxins in the body, or a so-called ‘body burden.’ Short-term exposure of humans to high levels of dioxins may result in skin lesions and reduced ed liver function. Long-term exposure is linked to impairment of the immune system, the developing nervous system, the endocrine system and reproductive functions. Chronic exposure of animals to dioxins has resulted in several types of cancer.

In Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, all through the 1960s, Agent Orange contaminated the countryside, rivers and its people.  Monsanto got rich.  The horror of Agent Orange continues to this day among those who cannot escape their polluted homeland, and those foreign agents who served the elite’s evil masters of war and toxic chemical pollution.

So, what can one do to reduce risk of exposure to dioxins?  1) Reduce meat intake, or at least trim fat from meat and consume less, or low-fat, dairy products, and 2) consume adequate amounts of (organic whenever possible) fruits, vegetables to help avoid excessive exposure from a single source, and 3) avoid float trips down rivers contaminated with POPs, like the Meramec (Meramec means ‘river of death’ in the local Indian language), lower Mississippi, and others with histories of chemical contamination, and 4) don’t drink contaminated water.

The fate of all the dioxin, which is highly persistent, is unknown.  We must consider that all this chemical pollution and illness is no accident.  It’s too widespread, and too obvious to ignore the reality that we are the enemy. Once dumbed-down to livestock status, stripped of our ability to reason, the masses would never suspect that they are trying to kill us all? We see with our own two eyes the spraying on crops, and in the skies, but never make the connection.

“When you realize that this was DONE to you ON PURPOSE by a hostile military force it takes on a whole new meaning.  When you realize that the medical industry is just a branch of that military force and any ‘alternative’ to that medical industry is either in on the scam or capitalizing on the damage that has been done, then you will realize that        you are surrounded, and you cannot trust anyone or anything.  You must test and prove everything for yourself and what works for me may not work for you and might actually make things worse.”  – Patrick Jordan   Http://

23 thoughts on “Toxic

  1. Speaking from a position of having pinholes in my medulla nolongeroblongata, it makes me wonder how smart I might have been if this stuff was not in everything when I was growing up. It might have been a protective mechanism, but even as a kid that would inhale just about anything, I could not tolerate ‘striped’ toothpastes. The list of products removes all doubt as to why the bulk of humanity does a really good rendition of being brain dead. Living in rural ILL Annoyed I am looking forward to my Monsanto stock skyrocketing when Agent Orange is released as a weed killer because Glyphosate is no longer tough enough to get the job done. I guess people are considered as weeds. There is a cosmic irony that the tax-paying sheep that sent dioxin into southeast asia will now have that poison come back to them a generation later. Paybacks a bitch. Where’d I put my level 4 hazmat suit?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Mark I never thought I’d be sharing what I call secrets of the universe. They’ve been thst for me anyway. Quantum Research Labs previously Premier Research Labs manufactures tbe healthiest most effective biggest bang for your buck nutrients and physical body care products in the world. In other words best quality lowest price. I don’t get jack for the plug just satisfaction sharing this treasure chest I pounded the rock years to find. To simplify things just google Quality Natural Healrh and read up. Founded by the late Dr. James Marshall Quantum Research Labs is to health what POM and MM are to what’s real and what’s fake in the world. As are the Diamonds. In late 80’s Harvey & Marikyn Diamond wrote Fit for Life introducing food combining and animal products make you sick approach then Fit for Life II. Fit for Life II mostly covered Personzl Hygiene. Way ahead of its time and all of it holds true today. Somebody besides me must’ve heard about Dr. Marshall and the Diamonds and lived their way for a time?


  2. There are more things unexplained in this universe than explained, but I suggest that this comment in this place at this time, while this blog is under alien attack, is inappropriate. So if you want to be angry at somone for removing it, it is me, Mark, and not Steve.


  3. Steve, Thank you so very much for the continuation of “A Good Clean Kill”!! You did great justice to my research….I hope everyone will read part one to get the full scope of the “disaster” that killed and harmed many newborn babies in France back in 1972.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This reminds me that in Britain, during Victorian times, arsenic was used in women’s face-powder. And then there was food adulteration….


      1. “The European Chemicals Agency has recorded around 150,000 chemical substances in its database.” I’d be surprised if arsenic and its derivatives are not in this database.


  5. Aluminum containers for the seemingly everywhere soda pop & beer drinkers have also done its damage. The plastic ones as well. 30 years ago a maintenance worker (machine/line repair) at Mid-Content Bottlers warned us local’s of the ingredient’s of Mt. Dew.


    1. Please be sure to read part one….”A Good Clean Kill” to understand the entire situation and deadly consequences….it was 1972, but things have only gotten worse IMO.


  6. Greetings Steve, Ann, Mark, everyone. Ann – I’m eagerly waiting for your research piece on Tylenol, that you mentioned some weeks ago. Very eagerly, since I’m taking it for the last 5 years, for my arthritis, almost daily. Great and informative piece, Steve, as well as part 1.


    1. Brannah, I am a bit out of commission as far as writing goes right now…but for arthritis, I highly recommend NAC – N-Acetyl Cysteine. It is an amino acid that will add back a sulfur molecule…our body is in short supply because of the widespread use of glyphosate herbicide (RoundUP) Please read my article “Pharmaceutical NIghtmare” as it goes into detail about the benefits of NAC and the research of MIT’s Dr. Stephanie Seneff. It is on this blog, but here is the link for quick reference. I take 500 mg twice a day and have recommended it to many friends and they are having really good pain relief.


  7. I apologize for repeating some of my arguments here, which already caused lots of hatred against me and in general. It is that nobody yet cares to go into detail and to check the facts I’m bringing. It’s all there on wikipedia pages. Just read it.
    The believe in poison and antidote (or counter-poison) is quite ancient. People trained themselves to different poisons eating small amounts of them in hope it will make then less sensitive. They ate arson on purpose, can you believe it? Or think of snake poison. The official claim is, that they can produce antidote from the snake venom somehow and that’s why they have to collect the poison from snakes. Makes not much sense IMO. Once you’ve got poisoned, there is no way of stopping the impact. What poison does in our body is mostly disturbing the functionality of nerves and organs. There is not much one can do then. If it is still in your stomach, you can try to get rid of it or neutralize it chemically which works only for very few poisons. But if it is in your bloodstream already it usually is to late for any actions. Injections will put new poison in there and do more damage. Think of alcohol. There is no antidote for hangover except sleeping it out. The body can get rid of lots of poison if given enough time. And if not, nothing will help. The modern virus theory came out of the old virus theory which was proven wrong in the years after the war, when young, arrogant scientists first found out, it is not poison (called virus in latin) which causes sickness and it has to be something else and they simply recycled the term virus for something new which became the basis of the entire genetics and microbiology. The idea is, there is a genetic code somewhere which we transport over generations and a virus is a corrupt part of it and it can infect cells, damage them and spread the damage and even infect other bodies. The magic substance they identified being responsible to carry the genes is called DNA. Virus then became a corrupted part of DNA. DNA is an acid, which cells produce when they split. I’m not saying, there is no DNA or no genetic code, we simply still don’t now how it works. But we already know for sure, DNA does not carry the genetic information. Even if you won’t find such sentence on wikipedia.


  8. Annette, thanks very much for your reply – I will absolutely look for NAC at my local health food store. I have read your article and will re-read it. (And please know I’ll be very happy to read your Tylenol article however long it might take to get it out there!)


    1. Hi, I purchase my NAC from their products are pharmaceutical grade with no fillers or excipients ..oh, and they are 600 mg, not 500 mg and I take 1 twice daily…you might want to start with one a day for a week and see how your body responds, but amino acids are the building blocks of protein so a reaction would be rare. BTW, I have no affiliation with the company, nor do I receive any compensation for the recommendation….and the price is very good for such a pure product. Good luck and please let me know how they work out for you! Regards, Annette


      1. Hi Annette, thanks for the link. I checked it out and will have to find out how they would ship to outside of the States. The site states that every country has its own customs regulations when it comes to supplements. I’ll try my local store first and see what they have. I’ll let you know how things go. Cheers!


        1. Hi Brannah, one of the criteria that we use for supplements is the lack of excipients. One of the worst offenders is stearates = steric acid = magnesium stearate. I don’t know if brands outside of the U.S. formulate with this saturated fat used as a machinery lubricant but if you can avoid it, it goes a long way to preserving your health. I always prefer powders over capsules for control of my own dosing and encapsulation often requires the lubricant. Please let us know if other countries adulterate their supplements with unnecessaries. Cheers.


        2. Sorry, I didn’t know you weren’t in the states..good luck, try to find a product without excipients such as stearates….oops, I see that Patrick has already given you this information…but please report back about the quality of what you find. Regards, Annette


  9. Patrick, Annette – thanks for the very useful info, I’ll definitely need to educate myself about excipients, and specifically stearates. I am, as Annette said, a bit out of commission too, unfortunately, dealing with a separate health issue right now (separate from arthritis) so that makes me extra slow these days, but hoping to pick up speed soon and get to looking for NAC. Cheers and thanks again!


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