COVID-19: A new superimposed reality

By: POM commenter Stephers

I am positing that COVID-19 is a fictitious and factitious disorder being imposed on society, in order to create an artificial scenario in which to implement an even greater superimposition of something called Sentient World Simulation.

A New Superimposed Reality (Part 1)

Superimpose: to place or lay over or above something, i.e. superimposed images

What follows is hypothetical. Technocratic plutocrats seem to think this way. Back in 2015, Bill Gates listed his top favorite book picks for the year. Two were How to Lie with Statistics by Darrell Huff and What If? by Randall Monroe.

There is a chapter in What If? called “Common Cold” by Sarah Ewart. The hypothetical question posed is quite timely:

“If everyone on the planet stayed away from each other for a couple weeks, wouldn’t the common cold be wiped out?” It then follows, “Would it be worth it?”

The author considers the practical consequences of this kind of quarantine. As he says, “The world’s total annual economic output is in the neighborhood of $80 trillion, which suggests that interruption of all economic activity for a few weeks would cost many trillions of dollars. The shock to the system from the worldwide ‘pause’ could easily cause a global economic collapse.” Monroe concludes at the end of the chapter, “In addition to probably causing the collapse of civilization, Sarah’s plan wouldn’t eradicate rhinoviruses” (used as example by Monroe as an RNA virus typically causing the common cold). He continues, “However, this might be for the best…their absence might be worse…It’s possible that these mild infections serve to train and calibrate our immune systems.”

Here is another hypothetical, superimposing something over reality. Let’s say various strains of coronavirus have spread across the world and infected millions. Hundreds of thousands are under threat of death. However, compare that to reality. There are coronaviruses. They belong to the family Coronaviridae. Millions of people die every year and many more millions get sick. There has never been any proof (i.e. – Koch’s postulates) that a coronavirus has caused a single death — despite the propaganda represented by “risk communication”, false statistics and fake anecdotal narratives reported in the news media.

This is our current reality. A hypothetical narrative has been superimposed linking a “novel” coronavirus with widespread sickness and death on a global scale. This narrative is not only fictional, but also a grand simulation. None of it is real.

Sentient World Simulation

COVID-19 is a fictitious and factitious disorder superimposed on society. It is being used to create an artificial scenario which serves as a “Sentient World Simulation.” Granted, there are many other agendas being simultaneously achieved. Most of them have been covered by researchers all around on the Internet. I sense a number of red herrings. Typically in any psyop, those who planned it want to keep us chasing details, diving into rabbit holes, and keeping us from moving forward and missing the big picture. Thus, we have discussions of bioweapons, errant comets, and cytokine storms.

We give you COVID-19!

Do you remember the movie “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” (from 1988). The film was a live-action animated film.

From Wikipedia:

A live-action animated film is one that combines live action filmmaking with animation.

[1] Films that are both live-action and computer-animated tend to have fictional characters or figures represented and characterized by cast members through motion capture and then animated and modeled by animators, while films that are live action and traditionally animated use hand-drawn, computer-generated imagery (CGI) or stop motion animation.

We are currently living in a society over which has been superimposed a fictional overlay. It is much like a hybrid film combining living reality and a computer-generated reality.

Sentient World Simulation — Dr. Alok Chaturvedi is the founder and the Director of SEAS Laboratory as well as the technical lead for the Sentient World Simulation project initiated by US Joint Forces Command. Dr. Chaturvedi’s research is focused on “Virtual Environments” for business strategies. This approach covers the domain of Artificial Intelligence, Computational Ecology and Enterprise Integration for “business war games”.

Dr. Chaturvedi’s concept paper in 2006:

“The goal of the Sentient World Simulation (SWS) is to build a synthetic mirror of the real world with automated continuous calibration with respect to current real-world information, such as major events, opinion polls, demographic statistics, economic reports, and shifts in trends. The ability of a synthetic model of the real world to sense, adapt, and react to real events distinguishes SWS from the traditional approach of constructing a simulation to illustrate a phenomena. Behaviors emerge in the SWS mirror world and are observed much as they are observed in the real world. Basing the synthetic world in theory in a manner that is unbiased to specific outcomes offers a unique environment in which to develop, test, and prove new perspectives. SWS consists of components capable of capturing new events as they occur anywhere in the world, focus on any local area of the synthetic world offers sufficient detail. In other words, the set of models that make up the synthetic environment encompass the behavior of individuals, organizations, institutions, infrastructures and geographies while simultaneously capturing the trends emerging from the interaction among entities as well as between entities and the environment.” [My emphasis.]

James Corbett (of the Corbett Report) discussed SWS in a video several years ago. James has done a superb job of covering this current plandemic/scamdemic. [The Corbett Report is listed in the links below on this blog. – MT]  He has talked about the rapidly expanding surveillance and security state that is surely intended to be a permanent fixture after things return to “normal.”

I posit that this “virus” was not made in a physical lab, but rather a virtual lab — one created in the AI aether by the geekiest of minds at the highest levels of the blockchain/AI technocratic elite. It serves as an “independent agent” that propagates through the augmented reality that it is creating autonomously. Simulation models accompany it.

COVID-19: A virtual disease with real-world results

Based on the concept of a pandemic and the idea of an infectious agent and contagion model — I suggest that the entire narrative is AI-generated from cradle to grave (pun intended), and we humans are merely serving a virtual virus as “machine teaching assistants”.

This would explain the entire “experimental” nature of this, and why a country like Sweden needs to serve as a “control” (i.e. – no social distancing). It explains why the mayor of Las Vegas offered to be a “control” by discontinuing social distancing. The AI does not know fantasy from reality. Looking around at hordes of people afraid to be close to one another and wearing pointless face masks, do any of us know the difference between what is real and what is not? This has been the goal of the AI gods for a long time now.

I have seen the notion of machine learning pop up frequently in my research on alleged shooting events. I suspect that before they happen in real time, they are rehearsed in an AI environment. To cite one example: Joyce Fienberg, who was reportedly killed in the Pittsburgh Synagogue shooting in October 2018, was married to Stephen Fienberg, an internationally acclaimed statistician who taught machine learning at Carnegie Mellon University. Fienberg had (reportedly) passed away from cancer two years prior to the shooting event.

It was Fienberg who helped to pioneer machine learning as a field. He also served on the Standing Committee of the American Opportunity Study, which aims to combine existing data from the U.S. census, surveys and programs like Social Security to study individuals and families over time. Fienberg was one of 13 top scientists convened by NAS and the Annenberg Retreat at Sunnylands to determine how to address scientific controversies ranging from problems replicating results to researcher misconduct and sensationalism.

Joyce Fienberg herself had a long career at the University of Pittsburgh as a research specialist from 1983 until her retirement in 2008. Even going back to the alleged ESL shooting in February, 1988, a survivor and witness of the shooting was Mark Jurik. He was an AI engineer and researcher at ESL who worked in classified military projects, and then went on that same year to create Jurik Research, which specializes in data modeling and time series forecasting methods.

Jurik has been a lecturer and instructor and has given presentations that have covered both the theoretical and practical aspects of neural network technology. I perceived predictive analytics to be central to the agenda of these events. I also suspected that these events had actually occurred for the actors playing victims and shooters. However, it was done in virtual reality, and not during the fake event.  The crisis actors experienced the events with virtual reality simulation gear – just as the military uses to simulate and “train” for battle.

That is why the “survivors” could “recall” the events and explain them with “proper” eye recall (looking up to the right to retrieve a visual memory). Notice how they use their body and hands, as if really there – because they really were there – just in an SWS reality sense of being there. It also explains why, even as they try,  they cannot simulate real emotions. So, the role-players (LARPers, or live-action role play), in this sense, clearly knew the difference between reality and fantasy – although the MSM viewers could not distinguish the difference.

So, the same could be said with COVID-19  — those in charge are really tracking something and tracking our responses. Healthcare facilities are “planning” and responding. But that something is a total fantasy — a simulated reality. I wonder if even top officials and scientists know next steps. There must be a central source of power — WHO headquarters in Geneva? Or, is it AI in charge, learning and deciding as it goes?

As Darrell Huff says in How to Lie with Statistics, “There is terror in numbers.”

Indeed, they have terrorized us with their inflated and manufactured numbers in this pandemic scenario, haven’t they? I would add that there is terror in the technocrats’ plans to overlay reality with a fabricated reality based completely on computer simulation. There may come a time when no one will be able to distinguish the difference. Most people have already succumbed to this charade — or rather, this “mask”uerade. Look around — it is Night of the Living Dead.

Part 2 will be about the concept of the “Simulacra”, as put forth by Jean Baudrillard, as well as the books, Social Physics by Alex Pentland and Growing Artificial Societies by Joshua Epstein and Robert Axtell. I will discuss the role of Lam Research, who acquired Coventor, Inc – a leader in simulation and modeling. As Rick Gottscho, executive vice president and corporate chief technical officer of Lam Research stated back in 2017, “Together, our collective goal is to deliver more simulation, more virtual fabrication, and an overall increase in computational techniques to support the development of next-generation transistors, memories, MEMS and IoT devices.”

By the way: The first person in the US reported to have died from COVID-19 is Patricia (Trish) Dowd. Trish worked for Lam Research…

Reference for further reading:

Seven Books that Bill Gates is Reading (we can see his lips moving)

135 Books That Bill Gates says he read

What if: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions

Live Action Animated Film

Five Best and Five Worst Live Action/Animamation Hybrid Movies

Sentient World Simulation: A Continuously Running Model of the Real World



SEAS Measured Response

How to Lie With Statistics (by Darrell Huff)

Stephen E. Fienberg obituary

Jurik Research

38 thoughts on “COVID-19: A new superimposed reality

  1. Excellent insight/ hypothesis.. I think it was in the back of my mind that some of these numbers could be generated by computer simulation; but I didn’t stop to think about how primary that might be, and hadn’t come across any description of the current state of the art of the field. Yet another field I should get at least a primer in.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The AI is already in charge of the “hive mind” it created. Machines are running this shit-show. Society has already been radically transformed. The last and final step is from human to trans-human. That’s where 5G, Big Data, Big Pharma– the new weapons of war — and the new, medical-industrial economy is headed. Read Agenda 21 if you haven’t already. All of nature is in the cross-hairs. And, BTW, let me restate the obvious, we (man) are in reality part of nature, not some Hollywood-inspired cyborg wannabe’. Nature is real, all else is simulacra.

    We’ve come a long way, baby. Steve Winwood, Blind Faith (1969).


  3. Fascinating observations. As this lunacy has progressed, I’ve realized a major goal must be to get humanity even more inextricably linked to personal technology. If we can’t gather in groups, we must use computers to gather virtually. We will let our leaders track our phones to see how obedient we (and others) are being to the command that we distance ourselves from each other in physical space, relating to each other more and more in the virtual space our masters control.

    If your theory is correct, the use of deepfakes seems to be a key element in conditioning us to mistake humanity for artifice. The Q-Anon nonsense provides a distraction from the real goal of having a simulated version of Coronavirus celebrity spokesperson Tom Hanks presented as the real thing on Saturday Night Live. That deepfake is obvious, but the recent deepfake of Bill Gates himself on the Ellen Degeneres show is a bit more convincing. (You can find it on YouTube. It was posted by TheEllen Show on 4/13. Gates’ face and neck are washed-out and glitchy in ways that can’t otherwise be explained unless you believe this billionaire was recorded by a camera more primitive than what we all have on our cell phones.)

    It also makes sense that this project is “unbiased toward specific outcomes.” People who are “awake” take what I perceive to be delusional comfort in the number of others who are “waking up.” But they’re waking up to any number of other simulated realities, including the one where Hanks and Gates are in prison for pedophilia. These reality simulators needn’t worry about getting caught. They already have so many fake rabbit holes dug, and can always generate more in real time.


  4. What follows is hypotethical too: All I can say is that you have underestimated the virus… and the virus will find you and your family. What about stocks and pension plans on 2/27? Was that fictitious too?


    1. As one buttressed by a pension and portfolio, I can tell you they are only as real as their purchasing power. Its the side of the long con I have some small control over. Timing/Patience are my weapons.


    2. James Corbett, who I have listened to quite a bit lately, is saying that all of the signals were there for a market crash (quantitative easing in place, massive advances of funds by the Fed to the banks). In this scenario, where there is more than one purpose served, one would be to take the heat off bankers for the crash, and blame it on a virus.


    3. The market is actually rebounding nice and slow. There should be a percentage of losses for the next quarter but nothing many businesses can’t overcome, digital sales are skyrocketing. Although companies that were doing poorly before March like JC Penny may not survive. A virus that started basically in December and then bam, all of a sudden in March it’s everywhere in town. Not sure it would travel that fast. Yet the counter to that is they say it was probably already here before December. And there is a counter explanation to cover all the what ifs, but as we know it’s not good enough. I’m tired of arguing with soccer moms that insist on wearing a mask. POM cover all the basis and I know it’s a hoax. Ready for the next fake issue that comes down the pike, NEXT!


  5. So ‘epidemiologist’ Neil Ferguson who prescribes the new restricting rules and regulations for us based on the models that he himself construes (millions were going to die from this (non-existing) virus according to his models) is in fact also using a simulation. Thx for the explanation. His conclusions (from a simulation!) are taken as important recommendations by the governors and we the people are manipulated in the direction that the builder of the simulation considers necessary. Not hindered by any influence from the real people or reality. The same is happening with climate change and co2: the government uses computer models which clearly are far away from reality and real results but do result in doing away with the farmers and other incredible measures. Tiranny can florish very nicely in this way. See for the concocted future: and see the important documentary by Truthmedia highlighting it:


  6. Make of it what you will… POTUS Twit on 3/9:
    “Donald J. Trump
    Mar 9
    So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!”


    1. Here’s what I make of it: He’s a simulation of a leader. His role is to whip the majority of people who hate him into believing everything he says is ignorant and crazy. That majority fights with and demonizes his supporters, who do the same with his detractors, and nobody pays attention to what is actually going on.


  7. Excellent work. The one part I disagree with is that the crisis actors needed to experience a reality and think that they were actually involved in a real scenario. Not needed. Just good training. Much simpler.


  8. What about this subplot of closing meat processing facilities? And I saw a geadline that Gates will partner with Tyson to switch to lab meat? Lol. It seems a bit over the top blatant and whatnot.

    Supposedly they have outbreaks among the workers.. But by and large these are strong healthy people, unlikely that any would really die from it, without fakery involved.


    1. Guess that explains why they’ve been promoting veganism and vegetarianism for so long. With the soil poisoned and doctored meat they really do think of us as lab rats.


  9. Have you guys seen the opening ceremony of the London Olympic games in 2012?
    Look for the video on Youtube.
    Predictive programming at its finest…A wonderful celebration of the Coronavirus to come, with even a Boris Johnson puppet in a hospital bed..

    They plan these things well in advance but people are deeply asleep and it’s all just a coincidence of course.


  10. Well done, Stephers! Indeed! Definitely thought provoking information. I still am trying to wrap my brain around it all. I’m gonna have to read through it a few more times at least! You are light years ahead of me in understanding potentially what is really going on and I truly enjoyed it. Thanks for you all the work that went into the article.


  11. Currently reading a short book titled Dismantling Evolution. Author discusses difference between hard and soft sciences. The way soft sciences take observations and make credible-enough speculations, but then sell these to the public as being on the same level as hard sciences. Then you get all these regular people on this false dualism of science vs anti-science, and experts vs laypeople. But really it’s highly speculative soft science (putting aside the question of total fakery for the moment) vs the reasonabe scepticism of laypeople.


  12. McLuhan’s “Understanding Media” was published in 1964. Although he didn’t live to see the internet, he did refer to electronic and digital technology as extensions of the human nervous system. In the introduction to “Understanding Media,” McLuhan says: “Rapidly, we approach the final phase of the extension of man— the technological simulation of consciousness, when the creative process of knowing will be collectively and corporately extended to the whole of human society, much as we have already extended our senses and nerves by the various media…”

    Manipulating (simulating) human consciousness before most have a clue what the hell that even means. Global brainwashing for every sap with a tv and a cell phone. Now that’s an AI kind of evil, hands down.


  13. An absolutely brilliant analysis.

    There’s a Youtuber I’ve been following for the last 4 years who actually linked to this article -I had no idea he even knew about POM, perhaps someone linked it to him.

    The Youtuber’s name is Matt and his channel is called Quantum of Conscience – I recommend checking it out.

    Here he talks about how the economy and financial markets and how they’re most likely run by a super computer (he affectionately calls it the WOPR from the movie War Games) and how they system must truly operate to keep major corporations from folding under and causing a domino effect collapse on our economy.


    1. Here’s another video that references both this article and the one from Matt. This guy has some good insights on fighting the masks and keeping sane.


  14. Excellent deconstruction of the situation.
    The Protocols of Szion outline their strategy of Make-Believe where they only have to issue a statement in the Press that Those In The Country think Thus and So and will be doing Thus and So, and then pull an equally fabricated fantasy out of their chocolate factory to say that then Those in the Cities think Thus and So and wil be doing Thus and So, in order to get the plebes to do what they want at a MERE SUGGESTION. This is called Spellkraft and it seems to be working FLAWLESSLY!


  15. Thank you for pointing me here from there [1], Stephers. These are insightful and inspiring observations and hypotheses. So, a Sentient World Simulation, maybe I’m wrong as I’m not a native speaker of English, but that seems to mean an attribute reserved for a sentient being, typically a human, is conveyed upon a technical system. Rather than dehumanizing man, we are humanizing the machine. This humanized machine can then seemingly become the source of wisdom, the point of decision taking, the seat of power. The ultimate dissolution of responsibility in a faceless AI system. Our climate model predicts so and so, we therefore have to do so and so. Yet it is all at the mercy of the programming and the tweaking of parameters. There is no artificial intelligence and no sentient system … yet. But we are conjuring it into existence by forgoing the use of reason. This has been an age of anti-enlightenment for a while (20 or 30 years?) with technology as the new God.



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