Framing John Lotter: The Fake Murder of Brandon Teena

The deception in this case is enough to give anyone vertigo.

This is a long-form article about the 1993 fake murder of Brandon Teena, the infamous trans-gendered Nebraska citizen. Please buckle up and prepare as I first walk you through the basics, then get we will get neck deep into the fakery.

What would you say if I told you that there was a fake, framed murder case even more shocking than the now infamous Making a Murderer case? What if I told you that this case also featured a man of limited capacity who had been obviously framed by local police, except this guy is now sitting on Death Row and has no support movement behind him? Well, sadly…this is the truth. This case is such a case.

In this article, I will take you through the infamous murder of Brandon Teena (along with Lisa Lambert and Phillip DeVine) in Humboldt, Nebraska on December 31st, 1993. Within 6 years, this murder was made into an Oscar-winning Hollywood film called Boys Don’t Cry featuring a Best Actress performance by Hilary Swank as transgender hero Brandon Teena.

Still from the Hollywood film.

Below, not only will I show readers that this murder was laughably fake, but I will also show you the whereabouts of the supposed “murder victim” in their present 2020 circumstances under the Witness Protection Program. Since we are dealing with Witness Protection, I will be using a pseudonym for the new, present identity of Brandon Teena. Please try to respect this person’s privacy…if you use the breadcrumbs in this article to find this person, you do so at your own risk.

The real details of this case are lacking the shiny aspects worthy of a Netflix series, a la Making a Murderer. The reality here is even darker. Main characters who are clearly lying about what they know. Local police who are obviously framing a man who they regard as less than desirable. A troubled local girl who dies mysteriously…perhaps too mysteriously. A man on Death Row. The execution of an innocent man by the state is the gravest possible crime of justice. If it can be proven that this murder is fake, we must do everything we can to advocate for this doomed man, John Lotter.

Key Material

Although I realize it is a lot to ask, it would probably help readers a great deal to first watch the 1998 documentary The Brandon Teena Story. This documentary was my beginning point as I first had suspicions into the Brandon Teena case. There is a limited, shortened 50-minute version of this documentary is available for free on YouTube (link below). The full version is nearly 90 minutes, and available for purchase on Amazon Prime Video.

What stands out the most upon watching this documentary is the obvious lies coming from many of the key players when retelling the story. Nearly every single key player is lying through their teeth. In the same way Making A Murderer was full of such obvious lies (and it wanted you to see them), the puff-piece documentary called The Brandon Teena Story is packed full of lies, except they are not expecting you to see through them. A body language expert would have a field day with this documentary. As an amateur student in the study of body language myself, I know that I had a field day with it. Apparently, rural residents of Nebraska caught up in a fake murder case are not the best folks to tell lies, because you will see many hilarious moments of obvious lies here.

Many moments are so patently obvious as lies that you will be able to spot them without any training whatsoever. Cases of ludicrous embellishment abound. Outright lies are plentiful. Facts of the case directly contradict much of the information given in these interviews, and I will point out as many such contradictions as I can. For now, it may help for readers to simply watch the documentary.

Some of the funniest highlights include former “lovers” of Teena clearly embellishing the seriousness of their relationship while fumbling to explain how they failed to notice the lack of a penis during intimacy. In another comical scene, a local Sheriff claims he got into a juvenile “Nuh-uh, Yeah-huh” match when outing Teena to the locals as being biologically female. Letters from Teena in jail sound like a C-grade middle school English assignment. All in all, most interviews read as highly scripted and full of lies.

My theory of this case hinges closely upon making sense of the body language of the people interviewed in this documentary, and the key moments where it is clear that we are seeing lies or scripted segments. Being able to fit all of these lies and embellishments into a single framework is my over-arching goal. Over time, I have built a theory of this case which coalesces all of the key lies, liars, and anomalies into one cohesive explanation with a pile of evidence in support.

Below, as I outline the major players, I will also rank each person on a 1-10 scale for how much they are lying (1 being perfectly honest, 10 being all lies). I will also point out any critical anomalies and lies in each person’s testimony.

The Official Story

The official story is that a biological female named Teena Brandon was born in 1972 and left her hometown of Lincoln, NE in the fall of 1993 to relocate to the nearby rural town of Falls City, NE. It is said that Teena did this both to get away from some check forgery legal trouble in Lincoln, and also because he wanted to live his life exclusively as a man. Teena is said to have inverted his name from Teena Brandon to the now infamous Brandon Teena and moved to rural, conservative Falls City finally presenting only as a man.

Within about a month of making friends in Falls City, Brandon Teena was said to have been in a relationship with another biological female, a local girl named Lana Tisdel. It is said that Lana Tisdel was unaware that Teena was a biological female…she believed that Teena was her boyfriend.

In December 1993, local police arrested Teena on the outstanding charges for petty crimes in Lincoln and they outed him to the whole town as a transsexual by placing him in the female section of the prison. It is even rumored that the local newspaper was made aware of this. A transsexual person living openly in rural Nebraska was completely unheard of at the time.

After this outing, Teena was sexually assaulted within days during a Christmas party at Lana Tisdel’s house. Some guests at the party demanded to know Teena’s true gender, and he was forcibly de-pantsed in a bathroom…exposed as being a biological female. From there, it only got worse. Later that night, Teena was raped on a roadside by two local petty criminals named Tom Nissen and John Lotter. These two men had only recently met each other, but both were both acquainted with Teena through locals bars and hangouts, and both had attended the Christmas party at Lana Tisdel’s.

After the Christmas Day events, Teena was then said to be murdered via gunshot in the early morning hours of December 31st by these same two men in order to “keep her quiet” about the rape. Two unrelated people were murdered in this same event: Lisa Lambert (a friend of Lana Tisdel) and Phillip DeVine (the boyfriend of Lana Tisdel’s sister Leslie). The murder occurred at a small farmhouse occupied by Lisa Lambert, a single mother and friend of Lana Tisdel. It also just so happened that Phillip DeVine, an African American man, was also at the farmhouse that night. He was visiting his girlfriend Leslie Tisdel from Iowa for the holiday period, and is said to have been at the Lambert farmhouse that night because of a fight with Leslie. Brandon Teena was said to be living at the Lambert farmhouse due to the drama caused by the Christmas Day assault and rape.

This is the official story, and how three relative strangers are said to have ended up murdered in the same farmhouse.

Diagram of the relationships of all main players. Red outline are the “murderers” and red text are the “murdered”.

The Main Players

Brandon Teena


Liar Score: 5 (Mixed)

Reasoning: While Teena’s whole existence in Falls City was based on a sort of lie, the only actual recording we hear of him in the documentary is the testimony given about the rape. This testimony is 100% legitimate. Even John Lotter in a recently recorded “Truth” video (where he adamantly maintains his innocence on the murder) still admits that the rape did occur. Lotter claims to have been unaware that Teena had been threatened into the sex that night by Nissen…but it is key information that the rape actually did occur. This matches with the legitimacy of the police interview given by Teena after the rape. Teena’s recall is exactly right and what you would see out of a genuine rape victim. This is the only actual audio we get of him in the whole documentary, and it is truthful.

Brandon Teena recalling the rape to police is the sole legitimate element in the entire case. I do believe that Teena was actually assaulted and raped.

Lana Tisdel


Liar Score: 8 (Big Liar)

Reasoning: Lana’s body language is some of the worst, and her story is full of lies. The impetus behind her lies seems to be supporting the “Romeo & Juliet” type of love story she knew was coming from Hollywood. She also clearly wants to make herself look innocent regarding her attitude of Teena’s gender. The Hollywood film makes Lana out to be Teena’s sole supporter…even after Teena was exposed as a biological female. The truth is not so kind. Interestingly, the documentary also treats Lana as the same sort of hero. The 1998 documentary seems to have been an intentional precursor to the 1999 film. Lana has some of the most comical embellishments in the whole documentary (“here’s that face, that face that I seen [sic] all the time”).

In truth…after it became known that Teena was biologically female, Lana was nothing like the supportive character we are fed in the movies. In Lotter’s Truth video, he says that it was actually LANA with Tom Nissen in the bathroom during the infamous de-pantsing incident on Christmas. Teena is known to have told others that she was afraid of Lana after Christmas, and this makes no logical sense if Lana is telling the truth.

Lana clearly stretches the extent of her closeness with Teena and the extent to which she approved of Teena’s gender issues.

John Lotter


Liar Score: 1 (Truthful to a Fault)

Reasoning: Lotter is said to function at the level of a 9 or 10-year-old, with an IQ of 67. He is articulate enough that you really would not suspect anything wrong if you met him, but he is definitely incapable of complex lies. He comes off as a straight shooter, even when his words end up making him look bad or guilty. The documentary and Hollywood film played this up significantly. They turned Lotter into the main boogeyman. Reality does not fit with this portrayal. Lotter has told an extremely consistent story from his trial through his Truth video, and he shows virtually no signs of deception. It is questionable how capable he would even be at advanced deception. Lotter is clearly one of the few people telling the truth.

In his Truth video, he does not simply pin everything on Nissen. He claims that both he and Nissen were not even in Humboldt the night of the murder and they simply woke up one morning arrested by police and questioned about a murder. If true, this would exonerate both he and Nissen. Why would a person who was lying also exonerate the man who had put it all on him? His words are not those of a con trying to pin everything on someone else. He speaks directly from memory and shows no real signs of deception. His story from the documentary to his later Truth video is actually extremely consistent. (The aforementioned Truth video. Hard to follow unless extremely familiar with the case.)

Tom Nissen


Liar Score: 10 (Pathological Liar)

Reasoning: The polar opposite of John Lotter. Tom Nissen is a pathological liar by his own admission. He signed a sworn affidavit saying that his testimony at the Lotter trial (which put everything on Lotter) was a complete fabrication. If you would read the account he gave at trial, this is no surprise. None of it made any sense or fit with the crime scene. Nissen has now admitted that he lied and put everything on Lotter. Local police went along with this because John Lotter was an infamous petty criminal of the Falls City area. They knew him as nothing but a troublemaker.

This ties in with Nissen’s body language in the documentary, where he is often angrily defensive and evasive about the truth. Nissen is truly a snake who did everything he could to throw John Lotter under the bus to save his own skin. In Lotter’s Truth video, Nissen is the main culprit behind both the sexual assault and the rape (even though this video also says that neither of them were present for the murder). Lotter also makes clear that Nissen intentionally put him in the wrong place at the wrong time…suggesting they visit a place where police would later allege Lotter stole the murder weapon (a .38 gun).

Nissen’s behavior after the rape screams of a man doing anything to save himself…including joining forces with police to put Lotter away.

Critical Story Anomalies:

Note: Listed in chronological order.

Anomaly 1

Police did not immediately seek charges or arrest of Nissen and Lotter in the days following the Christmas Day sexual assault, but they just so happened to proceed with an arrest of the two men within hours of discovering the bodies of the New Year’s Eve murders. This arrest was said to be for the sexual assault. That is one heck of a coincidence! Police have never explained what caused them to change their mind about arresting the pair on that particular day. It is important to note that these men were not arrested for murder…they were arrested that day for the Christmas Day sexual assault. And this was within mere hours of the discovery of the bodies in the New Year’s Eve murder!

Even if the men were considered prime suspects in the murder, two such events would not play out ON THE SAME DAY. At bare minimum, the murder scene needed to be processed, identifications made, evidence collected, and so on before police would proceed to making such a big arrest. Even if they considered the two men were the prime suspects, these two events happening on the same day is a joke. John Lotter describes the arrest from that morning as a major bust…something which would have been planned in advance by the police. One hell of a coincidence, there, that it just happens to be planned for within hours of the murder being discovered!

This is one of the most obvious faults in the story and it is too perfect to be an accident. The two men were immediately arrested at this moment because they were known to be the frame-up targets. It had to be them, and them alone. I will make the case below that the New Year’s Eve murders were a fake event solely for the purpose of putting these two men away for good (Lotter especially).

Anomaly 2

Police claim to have recovered the murder weapon (gun, knife, and gloves belonging to John Lotter) on the afternoon of New Year’s Eve AFTER the men were arrested for assault. Not before. AFTER. You might have suggested that the rationale for their arrest was the discovery of these weapons, but no. This unbelievable cache of weapons was said to be discovered in a random public location within hours of the men being arrested for assault. Another unbelievable coincidence! The cops just so happen to have had a bust planned for these two men on the same day as the murders, and within hours of picking them up for assault, evidence was magically discovered in a random public location that made them the obvious suspects for the murder. Amazing sequence of events, don’tcha think?!

Anomaly 3

The collection of weapons had been tossed from a bridge south of Falls City. Note: Humboldt (the murder site) is northwest of Falls City. Police claimed they just had a hunch to search the bridge south of town, and lo-and-behold…the murder weapon had been chucked from the bridge! Another amazing coincidence!

Yes…a murder in a town northwest of Falls City. We had better check the bridge south of town! Since the river was frozen over for the winter, the weapons just so happened to be sitting out in plain sight. Yet another instance of (literally) unbelievable luck. The police just happened to have a hunch to search a completely illogical location and magically discover a collection of all the murder weapons in one package, and with the murderer’s name literally written on it, no less! And all of this happened within mere hours of having coincidentally arrested the men for assault on the same day within hours of the discovery of the murder. Nothing strange here in this sequence of events, nope…!


Anomaly 4

Michelle Lotter (John Lotter’s sister) went to the courthouse on New Year’s Eve to check on her brother after hearing he had been arrested. She asked about whether he had been arrested in connection to the murder she had heard about, and the response she received was concern from the police officer that she had even heard about a murder. Strange! This reaction is very unusual and implies the murder was a tightly controlled event.

Anomaly 5

Neither of Lisa Lambert’s parents tell a story that makes any sense. Lisa Lambert is the friend of Lana Tisdel who was the main occupant of the farmhouse. Her mother is said to have found the bodies at the farmhouse, yet this woman claims she walked into the tiny one-room farmhouse to tend to the crying infant before she noticed any of the 3 bloodied corpses. Her own daughter was said to be sitting on the adjacent bed in plain sight with her eye socket blown out, but this woman claims that she first tended to the crying infant before she noticed anything amiss. And keep in mind, she also would have immediately walked past the corpse of Phillip DeVine upon first entering the farmhouse. Her story is simply not plausible. The dynamics of the house completely contradict her story. It feels as though she is covering for how the bodies were discovered. Perhaps she was fed a story to tell (“I heard the baby crying…”).

Take a look at the photos of the murder scene below and tell me that it is possible someone could have entered this house without immediately noticing dead bodies. The farmhouse is made up of one main living room (where Phillip DeVine was hunched over dead) and two small bedrooms immediately connected to this main living area. Lisa’s mother claims that she entered this house out of concern for her daughter not showing up for work. She claims that heard a crying infant, entered the house, and tended to her crying grandchild in the bedroom before noticing any of the several corpses strewn about the house (including her daughter’s). This is simply not believable.

That is the illogical nature of the story of Lisa’s mother, but her father tells an equally illogical story. Lisa’s father claims to have come to the scene of the crime and simply asked “Is Tanner [his infant grandson] okay?” and when he got an affirmative answer, he left as instructed. In the extended cut of the documentary, he goes on to tell an elaborate story about his work on the hydraulic system of a car after leaving the scene. It is just incredibly strange. Did the man have no concern for his daughter? His sole question, “Is Tanner okay?” does not make any sense for a man driving up to a huge police presence at his daughter’s farmhouse. Apparently, Lisa’s father did not care in the slightest whether his daughter was dead or alive.

Both of Lisa’s parents, separately, have deeply questionable accounts of their presence at the scene of the farmhouse. I place Lisa Lambert’s parents under the highest possible level of suspicion for the nature of their lies. Their daughter was said to be living as a single mother with an infant at the tiny farmhouse, and I wonder whether these parents did not approve of their daughter having a child out of wedlock. This is just a theory, but it is a fair one. Lisa’s parents are almost certainly omitting their true knowledge of what occurred here.

Anomaly 6

Lotter and Nissen are said to have taken a strange route out of Humboldt south and into Kansas so that they could enter Falls City from the south. If they had given this much thought to their exit from Humboldt, then why did they wait until they were back in Falls City to ditch the weapons over the bridge? Why would they have thrown them from a bridge onto a river that had frozen over? My theory is that the police completely fabricated this route back to explain the presence of the ditched weapons at the bridge south of Falls City.

Anomaly 7 (MAJOR)

Teena Brandon comes up in people search records (Intelius/BeenVerified-type sites) as having an alias of Barbara Kramer. Who is Barbara Kramer? She just so happens to be a female stripper of Lincoln, Nebraska, is the approximate same age, sports a “butch” appearance, and critically…shares all of Teena Brandon’s previous addresses in identical time-frames! Their database records are absolutely identical up to the point of the murder and beyond. It is literally as though the records have been clumsily duplicated. After the fake murder, it is as though Barbara Kramer carried on with her life while Teena Brandon is marked as dead. Incredible!

This seems to be a system flaw made possible by this case happening during the infancy of the internet and such public databases. In this day and age, it would never happen that such a cover identity would get mixed in with the original person’s identity. However dating back to 1993, it is very possible that this slip-up is indeed a major revelation. How else can you explain these two people being listed as aliases for one-another, and seeming to have lived an identical life?

Barbara Kramer is alive and well. She has an active Facebook page, has been featured in Hustler magazine. How do you explain that she was based out of all the same places and same times that Teena Brandon was listed? There is only one possible explanation there!

Pictures of these two women are close enough in age and approximate appearance that Barbara Kramer absolutely could be Teena Brandon with a little bit of plastic surgery. It is no doubt a standard practice of the Witness Protection Program to give their witnesses plastic surgery upon entering the program.

Wow! Two entirely duplicated lives, and there sure is a lot of movement through 2016 for a person who died in 1993…

See the slideshow below for a collection of database records that I have redacted. All redactions are of Barbara Kramer’s real name, or a misspelling of it. Each of these screenshots are from different public databases. They all show Teena Brandon as a known alias of Barbara Kramer. Some of them even show both Teena Brandon and Brandon Teena as aliases of Barbara Kramer. The age varies quite a bit, and whether or not Barbara Kramer is listed as deceased varies quite a bit. Clearly though…these are the same two women.

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Anomaly 8

Phillip DeVine is literally a ghost in the public records. Both Teena Brandon and Lisa Lambert are found in the Social Security Death Index. Phillip DeVine is not. Nobody knows where he is buried. He has a listed grave site, but past researchers have shown that he is not buried there. Only a few sketchy pictures exist of Phillip DeVine, and they are not consistent. His absence in the SSDI and the mystery of his final resting location strongly indicate that he was a false identity. This is further supported by the fact that we know virtually nothing about him other than the fact that he was visiting from Iowa and worked in a Federal government capacity (Job Corps).

Anomaly 9

The US Marshals are admitted in The Brandon Teena Story documentary as having done the interrogations on Tom Nissen after the murder. This makes absolutely no sense for a local murder. The US Marshals are a federal law enforcement agency and have absolutely no reason to have been involved in a local Nebraska murder. What do the US Marshals happen to operate, though? The Witness Protection Program!

I would like to point out that my theory about Witness Protection was made in this case prior to my realizing that we just so happened to have a pair of US Marshals in plain sight in the documentary. Talk about two puzzle pieces coming together…



After the rape, transgender male Brandon Teena was basically a sitting duck. His secret being out, living openly as trans-gendered in deeply traditional rural Nebraska was basically a death sentence. The local police reached out to the Federal US Marshals about the possibility of putting this trans-gendered man into the Witness Protection Program. They feared that their outing of Teena as trans-gendered might make them responsible for what could happen, so they took it upon themselves to get Teena a place in the Witness Protection Program. The US Marshals were brought on and worked with local law enforcement to develop the plan for how to pull this off. As we often see in cases like this, local law enforcement likes to kill multiple birds with one stone. They already had Lotter and Nissen with the allegation of sexual assault, but they were going to make sure that these two petty criminals went away for good.

If someone is going to be fake murdered, they love to make sure that some local petty criminal is the obvious fall guy for it. This is exactly what we saw with Making a Murderer. Find a guy who is a criminal to his core. Pin it on him.

For local police, Brandon Teena’s rape complaint against Tom Nissen and John Lotter was exactly the impetus they needed to get rid of these two criminals once and for all. They knew that Teena could not possibly stick around in rural Nebraska, but they also knew that rape charges are very hard to prosecute. They needed something better. They offered Teena an opportunity to get out of Dodge through Witness Protection in exchange for his cooperation in making sure Lotter (and Nissen) went down for good.

This would be done through a fake murder.

After the murder was faked, Teena was given to the US Marshals. After some therapy, plastic surgery and time to let things die down, she chose a life as a stripper in her old hometown of Lincoln, NE. The name she lives under now, Barbara Kramer, was swapped out in the records, but it left a trace of itself in the public databases. What are the odds that a listed alias for Teena Brandon would so closely resemble her in age, appearance, sexual preferences, and share perfectly identical previous addresses? Impossible.

Barbara Kramer is Teena Brandon.

There is even a man who runs several of the Nebraska strip establishments as a “friend” of Barbara Kramer whose appearance screams “handler”. Those two claim to have dated on Facebook even though Barbara Kramer is now married to a woman. I would wager that this strip club operator was actually Kramer’s handler, or just some kind of Fed responsible for overseeing her.

As for what happened to Lisa Lambert, this is the one missing link to the story. Phillip DeVine seems to have either been a totally fake identity, or a man who was given a chance to disconnect himself from the Falls City locals with no strings attached. DeVine was said to be in a Federal government job in Iowa, Job Corps, so perhaps they used the event to fake his death and get him into Intelligence work. For Lisa Lambert? Her parents inscrutable reaction to her death tell me that she may have been disowned for having a child out of wedlock. Perhaps Teena Brandon let it slip to Lambert that she was being offered a place in Witness Protection, and this forced the US Marshals to offer Lisa a place in the same program. Who knows? Lisa’s parents’ cold reactions make me deeply fearful for Lisa and what might have happened to her.

All told, the most unfortunate aspect of this case is the framing of John Lotter and his place on Death Row for a murder that never even took place. Even if he holds some kind of responsibility for a rape, he has paid his debt to society several times over and he deserves to be released for time served.

The case against Lotter was always weak, and Nissen’s (now recanted) testimony was really the only thing against him. The murder weapon was said to be stolen by Lotter between Christmas and New Year from a friend’s house. Lotter stopped at that friend’s house for just 15 minutes and was in the presence of many witnesses in that time. He also could not have logically known that there was a gun in the house. Who suggested that Lotter stop over and visit this friend? Tom Nissen. It also just so happens that Nissen insisted upon staying in the car during this visit while Lotter went inside. This visit fits perfectly with Nissen hypothesized work as an agent of the police between Christmas and New Year’s to frame Lotter.

After all, it is Lotter on Death Row…not Nissen.

With Phillip DeVine clearly not being dead according to Federal records and Teena Brandon clearly still being alive under a pseudonym, it is obvious that the whole murder never took place. The evidence was always flimsy, and the story was always full of holes. There is no reason we must fundamentally accept that the murder actually took place when all available evidence suggests that it did not.

In the end, I find myself thinking back to John Lotter. Apart from being a heavy drinker who liked having a good time a little bit too much, Lotter seems like a decent guy to me. Any debt he owed to society was paid back long ago. If Nebraska executes John Lotter, they will be committing a grave sin against nature. Not only because his IQ is 67, but because the murders he would be executed for never took place.

This story has been long forgotten by the public mind, but revisiting it shows the whole story to have been a complete fabrication. The presence of the US Marshals in the 1998 documentary is especially bold and stupid. This sloppiness even made its way into public records, where we see Teena Brandon clearly intertwined with a living alias. The sloppiness is astounding. The lies are shameful. The justice is backwards.

If you are in a position to advocate on behalf of John Lotter or you know anyone who would be, please share this article. The execution of Mr. Lotter would be a mockery of all human justice, and a crime to haunt Nebraska for all eternity. He deserves better. Please help him if you can.

43 thoughts on “Framing John Lotter: The Fake Murder of Brandon Teena

  1. Good research. I know you guys don’t like certain topics like flat earth and transgenders walking among us but I will risk a deleted comment anyway. This psy op was/is only one of many to condition us to accept these abnormally altered creatures as perfectly normal. If you go deeper you will find the actor who played this role – Hilary Swank was born a dude. In fact, with a good background in the differences between male and female bone structure – like a forensic scientist – one will learn that almost every actress and actor is reversed in gender. They can change a lot of things through make-up, wigs, plastic surgery, hormones, corset training, fake baby bumps in every color and shape, brow ridge shaves, trachea shaves, trachea implants, brow and chin implants, breast augmentation and removal, feminization and masculization surgeries, etc. The hospitals and doctors that specialize in this stuff are huge – there was one in Aurora right by my house when I lived in Parker, CO and I used to wonder how they could possibly have enough business.

    This is big business guys and they walk among us. This is why you look at someone today and KNOW something is wrong but you can’t put your finger on it. And here is the why. Satan has a lot of followers and he hates God’s creation – especially man and woman created in the image of God. His goal is to pervert that image and his followers pledge their allegiance by changing that image and then deceiving normal men and women. Sadly, men are lusting after lady matinee idols who are actually men and women are unknowingly lusting after male actors who are in fact women. Weird world.


    1. While this doesn’t necessarily relate to the piece, I suppose I have to be prepared for a discussion of the transsexual phenomenon. I haven’t researched Swank personally, but I DO believe that Hollywood sometimes intentionally raises a future star as the wrong gender. One who has always bothered me in this way is called Bella Thorne. When I see Bella, I see a man. The bone structure supports this (as you mention), but then again not all women are born equal. It may not be as many as we might think.

      Grounds for future research, perhaps, but we have to be very careful about it. Research, research, research.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. This is Bella Thorne. Wonder where Motorhead is. He would get a kick out of her Papal Saturn-shaped necklace. Thorne seems to always be wearing religious iconography, especially when dressed provocatively. Hmmm…

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I have no knowledge of this person, but I find the name curious … Bella Thorne … i.e., beautiful, but has a prick …


        1. Ha! This has always been one of those things that I feel absolutely certain about with no evidence whatsoever. Look at her and her “brother”. When I researched this, I found that not only did my eyes tell me that Bella was male, but her brother Remy is a girl. It’s one of those fame families where the parents force them into it from birth. I’m nearly certain they were encouraged to do a flip flop on the gender of these two kids in exchange for future fame.


        2. And don’t forget Sandra (young castrated bull) Bullock and all the actresses with “man” in their name – Nicole Kid Man, Barbra Mandrell, Jayne Mansfield, there are so many. Often the first names are male and some leave huge clues as to their real birth gender. I have no problem with people who want to do this to themselves – if they are honest about it. But these people are abusing their own children and they are very deceitful about who they really are. While this practice is bizarre and disgusting, it is the deceit that really gets me.


          1. Meh … the “man” element is bound to show up naturally in a lot of American names.

            OTOH, if she has boyish features and a name like Dixie Tucker or Didi Implantz, then my eyebrows go up.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. The one aspect I always look out for in this kind of thing (gender reversed celebrities) is that they were a child actor. Obviously, if there was a gender switch, it’s not something you could just do overnight. The gender you are at puberty has massive repercussions, hence my focus on child actors. This would also involve gender reassignment surgery at a very young age and hormones throughout life. It it were done that early and with the knowledge of the parents, the celebrity might not even know that they were biologically a different gender. Excuses could have been made for the hormone pills and whatnot.

              To me, I am especially open to the gender reversal concept if we are talking about the Mickey Mouse Club child actor mind-controlled types. This is why Bella Thorne stands out to me so much…she fits that mold perfectly. Seeing that she also has a brother who seems so much like a biological female only sealed it for me.

              So I do believe this is a real phenomenon in Hollywood, but I think we need to be extremely careful to not start suggesting all celebrities are gender reversed. Also, I agree that the “-man” surnames are not meaningful.


          2. Yeah… And all black people with “white” in their last name are originally white. But society/Hollywood/Disney turns them black before they are even born. So they can use them to create “racist situations” for profit…….

            Liked by 1 person

      3. Why do you care so much about a rapist? Even if you’re right about all the suspicious aspects of this case, the fact that you conclude this blog post with an apparent attempt to garner pity for a man who brutally raped someone, is odd. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re connected to John Lotter after reading the last few paragraphs you wrote. Freeing a rapist shouldn’t be your reason for digging into this case. Uncovering the truth and exposing possible liars should be your reason. Also, this post has attracted a lot of conservative conspiracy theorists who’re clearly so uncomfortable with homosexuality and transsexualism that they convince themselves the reason for faking these murders was to push some left-wing political agenda. And you’re not calling out those commenters’ judgements at all. I don’t trust that your motivations for writing this post are pure.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. I don’t think it’s any secret that film stars tend to be more androgynous. It is the quality of androgyny that makes them more beautiful and so those whose gender is not distinctly one or the other at birth for whatever reason are more likely to be film stars.

      I’ve heard from a number of people in the know that Nicole Kidman was born intersex. Apparently, her birth records are very tightly protected. I went to school with a girl who was born intersex and I know a guy also who was born intersex and was told he’d never father a child so he didn’t bother taking precautions and so he was most surprised to discover that he was a father. He’d had a casual relationship with the mother who didn’t inform him until their child was two!

      Why should there be a problem with film stars – or anyone – being intersex or transgender or whatever. If weird stuff is being done around it and it’s being used for political purposes or people are pushed unnaturally in a direction they don’t want to go then that’s wrong but ambiguous gender is a simple fact of life.

      What’s more interesting about Nicole Kidman is her father, Antony Kidman, respected psychologist and academic, who was part of a VIP paedophile network and the main abuser of Fiona Barnett. He allegedly died a few weeks after Fiona had registered a complaint about him with the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse although she’d registered complaints about him earlier.,6918


      1. Yeah, I had heard that about Kidman’s father. He sounds like he was a bad guy. I never meant there was anything inherently wrong with a gender reversed celebrity. Only that I do believe it actually is a real phenomenon. It is also being forced down the younger generation’s throats, likely making many innocent children question their gender for no good reason. That’s the inherent harm in it, for me. Hollywood does it, I think, to subconsciously signal that it’s cool and good to question your gender. It’s all a little much for me. The Teena case was a very early example of this getting major play from Hollywood.

        I was careful in my write-up to respect the gender that Teena wanted to be known by at the time. I’m not unsympathetic even if I believe Hollywood is using it for nefarious purposes.


  2. This is going to be interesting. A couple of thoughts – I have only watched the 50-min doc and have a lot of reading to do, so maybe you covered this. One, Tyrone brought us something called the “Zal” rule, wherein if they make a major motion picture of something, that something is fake. I found it to be the case, even with things like Iwo Jima.

    The other was the oddness of the name Brandon Teena. I went to look up that surname, and it only wants to take me to these sites that waste time and entice you to give them money. Then the hits quickly become “Tina.” I went to and entered the name Brandon Teena, and it is sealed off. The only thing I noticed there, which maybe you caught, was her/his birthday: 12/12/72. 12/12 = 33. It’s a real day, many people born on that day, but 33 has a way of turning up in psyops.

    I’ll return to comments after I am done reading. Thanks for bringing us a great topic. I love this kind of stuff, as you might guess.


        1. Yep, that’s the one. The real one. A big part I left out was that Teena loved to call herself “Tenna” when trying to seem more like a man. Also, for some reason “Charles Brayman”, but I think that was more related to the check forgery problem. An interesting person, for sure!

          I just can’t believe the sloppiness in the records that made this so easy to put together.


    1. Just to be correct, the Zal “rule” comes from Fakeopedia (misom/Faye and me). We took the name from member Zal at Fakeologist Discord when we talked about psyops and movies.

      Basically it states that if a movie is made from a big event, we can be pretty safe assuming the story is fabricated.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. For the those who don’t get the Vertigo reference, that case also involved a false identity following a murder, and the investigation of said murder. I guess that makes me Jimmy Stewart!


  4. Back when I was on Facebook I learned of a young girl who disappeared from the Crow Reservation in Montana. They put out an appeal for information and it spread all over the medium. I was suspicious because I didn’t think police would use FB as an investigation tool, asking people to report leads. They have to follow every one, and most if not all are useless. It is a time sink and they have better tools. They might seek out individuals using FB friends and make inquiries. I did an Intellius search for the girl, whose name was unusual, and found that such a person lived in Billings, not Hardin, and was a few years older and not missing. In other words, it was a hoax using a real person’s identity. This happens frequently all around the country, perpetuating the idea that we are surrounded by evil people. Fear is omnipresent not just due to TV news but also mini-projects like this. We should lock our doors, but it is not as evil out there as they say.

    So it appears they merely used Barbara Kramer’s identity to be Brandon Teena. They can do it all with mirrors. She did not need to be a part of it. Everyone involved is acting. What I am wondering is if John Lotter is really in prison, or if he, like Charles Manson, merely shows up for staged interviews now and then. The evidence you’re presented is strong and police would not ignore it if pressured that a clearly innocent man were really behind bars. There are people working these cases to free wrongfully imprisoned people. I wonder if Innocence Project and Peter Neufeld are aware of this Lotter character.


    1. Good catch. Lately, I have been thinking about that whole Lacey and Scott Peterson soap opera – with Amber Frey thrown in for extra added saltiness. Whenever you see that fraud attorney Gloria whatever her name is – beware. Then I start wondering about the woman who drowned her 5 kids in a bathtub. Gee whiz – is our whole world fake?? I think it tis.


    2. Mark, I am puzzled by your re-analysis of Fauxlex’s exposition. You seem to be saying that the whole narrative is a psy-op fiction, designed to subtly terrorize the populace.

      So then Teena Brandon/Brandon Teena is a figment of imagination, though you say the photos are borrowed from a real person. But why raise TB/BT from the dead as “Barbara Kramer”? Because if Brandon is a figment, so is Barbara. But records of shared aliases are an unnecessary complication. Why would the fiction-writers create this? It doesn’t add up.

      Much simpler to say—as Fauxlex does—that TB assumed a new identity in a new location. She exists and is still alive.


      1. Must say that this was also my confusion. Bringing this person back from the dead doesn’t make any sense, in this hypothetical scenario. It also doesn’t explain the presence of the US Marshals, and the several other anomalies I tied together. If it was all totally fake, the last thing they would want is to create this person from a listed, living alias.

        There really is a quite simple explanation staring at us here. Especially considering the person behind the alias really does resemble a slightly-modified version of TB/BT. It’s a case where I think Occam’s Razor probably holds. Witness Protection is the simplest and most logical explanation.

        If it were actually backwards from what I proposed (and Kramer is the basis for a fake Teena), there is no need to link to the Kramer identity at all. They would have just made up a person. There is no need to create the excess complication of tying Teena to an identity that would survive the event. That doesn’t make sense.

        Witness Protection lays out as a straight line, it explains a wide variety of the lies we see, including the presence of the Marshals. It is simple, clear, and explains everything.


  5. I did not realize that in my private emails questioning your findings that I was creating resentment, That’s why I kept it private, so as not to debate you in public. Honest men can disagree and remain honest men.

    Let me state those things that we agree upon … that no one died, and that people surrounding the affair appear to be actors. As with all major psyops, there is cooperation up and down the line, from the local police to the Nebraska Penitentiary system. I don’t know how that comes about, but I see it commonly, as if there is some background force that is used to vet people for the positions they hold, including just being a cop, so that they can be called on and used at will. I am speculating. I cannot know what goes on inside, only what I see outside.

    Where I lose your narrative … that Lotter and Nissan are in prison. We all agree the deaths were fake, and if that is the case, then there was no police investigation. What are they going to do, investigate people who were obviously posing as stiffs? Therefore, no one was framed for something that did not happen. Police are not stupid. We saw with Manson that famous criminals are allowed to appear and disappear and that no one inside prisons system talks. This “little” psyop was obviously a bigger one, and the resulting movie and its men are pigs outcome the obvious objective. It did not just happen to happen after the original narrative had been written and acted out. That they used an attractive woman to play the lead … led to a other attractive woman playing the movie lead. Teena in real life might be 250 pounds and acne scarred, but that would not sell.

    Witness Protection is, to me, a reach. Let’s take another well-known actor, David Koresh/Vernon Wayne Howell. If ever a guy needed WP, it was him, but he is easily discovered to be alive and well and living near Waco. I would call that hidden in plain sight. If Teena Brandon needed WP, she would not be found. That program, if it really exists, goes back to 1970, and would not relocate a subject in the same place as the original. I rule that out. The strong resemblance between her and Barbara Kramer for me settled it. Those comparisons did not lie to me. All of this tranny stuff is misleading, hides the obvious fact that Teena is a fiction, a real and attractive girl who was merely used to stage a psyop. She’s now Barbara, hidden in plain sight. No one goes looking for these people. If it is on the news, it is true.

    Again, I have seen no photos of Teena in the company of anyone else. What happened in that farm house that night? Nothing. We automatically assume when we see photos of an event that the photos were taken at the time of the event. With Columbine I learned that there was plenty of time before that to stage all of the photos and interviews said to be concurrent. So it is probable in my mind that everything for this psyop was “in the can” prior to the news reports.

    Why use images of a real person? I don’t know. But they did. She was probably well paid and NDA-bound, maybe the Hustler gig part of her payoff. That John Lotter looks and speaks as a man with a higher IQ than 67 … he’s an actor. He was the best of the lot and is on on a lifetime gig. He has not aged well.

    The overarching objective? It turned up in the comments, to advance transgenderism as frequent and hidden in the tapestry of our lives. It is real, of course, but I doubt very prevalent, probably more common on Sunset Strip than other places, but not the mass phenomenon as suggested in the comments here.

    It was [not] my intent to have a public debate with either of you.I am not omniscient and have my own frame of reference based on everything I’ve done before. I could be wrong, as always.


    1. You yourself helped to free an innocent man from prison. Pardon me, but I think it’s baffling you can’t bring yourself to acknowledge Lotter is actually in prison.


    2. “David Koresh/Vernon Wayne Howell … is easily discovered to be alive and well and living near Waco.”

      Mark, could you please supply a link or two for this assertion?


          1. Mark, Do you think it’s time I should change my user name? I always used “TRIGGER MAN” in response to pulling the “Trigger” on ” issues”
            I know it’s a bit offensive and overly aggressive. Perhaps it’s time I should use a softer touch, …. Any suggestions ?


        1. Thanks for the link, Mark.

          So here’s my puzzlement with your position …

          You accept the search engine results of the MMC Waco paper as rock-solid evidence for the existence of real people who go by the names of the Branch Davidian members reported in the media.

          But when Fauxlex presents exactly the same kind of search-engine evidence for the existence of a real person Brandon Teena/Teena Brandon/”Barbara Kramer” living now in Florida, you say that the persona is entirely fake, along with the others in the “Boys Don’t Cry” story.

          Why the difference in your acceptance?


          1. We are not communicating. I did not verify the Davidian information using my own resources. I had previously written about Waco, concluding it was a giant hoax and that no one died. So when this writer went a step further and ran down these people using True/Fastpeoplesearch, I was not surprised. I thought someone like Koresh would perhaps take on a new identity, as his death was high profile, but no. There he is, hidden in plain sight.

            I did not say that the person Barbara Kramer is entirely fake. I only suggested that Teena Brandon was an identity given to images of Barbara Kramer, maybe an asset or model who was called on to be Teena. Kramer is real. I’ve got a bunch of photos now of Teena with other people in this psyop, and am thinking Photoshop, that Barbara’s image was used, but that the whole operation was the product of writers and actors.

            I don’t think that is much of a deviation from Faux’s piece, other than he thinks that two men are really in jail, and I am not convinced of that.


    3. Don’t say …”I could be wrong, as always”, Mark. We’re all wrong “some of the time”…But we’re not “all wrong all of the time”. Don’t be so critical of yourself


  6. phillip devine was a man who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. he came to see lana tisdels’ sister leslie over the holidays who he met in the peace corps i think, it was in iowa. but phil and leslie got to arguing bc she felt phil was to controlling so she told him to leave but he had no where to go. teena found out and used lisa’s car and went and picked up phil and took him to lisa’s. phil had a bus ticket and was going back home to iowa the next day. that was in aphrodite jones book. also there were 2 other roommates living with lisa who left the day/night the crimes took place to which i think they had a heads up on the trouble coming there way and they left. the 2 extra roommates (the name carrie gross was mentioned as she is shown in the teena brandon documentary) who were bf/gf did not like teena living there and were vocal about it. there used to be a petition online to save johnlotter started by one of his sisters which seemed to have been taken down since. it became more of a chat room where people left hateful comments to lotter. but as to why they threw the knife and gloves over the bridge? an iq in the 60s and under pressure on a cold night will do that. i’m sure nissen wasn’t to bright either. both of them remind me of a criminal barney fife. the movie was a narrative of what happened but not the truth but that’s hollywood. reading the court transcripts of phillip devine’s mother would give reason to why you can’t find his gravesite. as far as the witness protection program as the author insists i just don’t see it. teena brandon was always in trouble and already had fake identities that were found out. she wasn’t good at hiding her identity with the people who killed her so why after 25 years do you think she could stay hidden this long even in the WPP? but there was a lot left out of the movie and the documentary. from leslie tisdel, michelle lotter, lotters parents, the people where lotter stole the gun, the farmer who pulled them out of the ditch that night, the people at that christmas eve party, the gf’s of nissen and lotter and law enforcement. COMMENTS?


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