A spoonful of reality may NOT help the (nano)medicine go down

“The strength of The Invisible Heart lies within its cast of characters . . . the faces of real people are what makes the Heart so potent.” 

~ Trent Wilkie, The Trent Wilkie

Author dedication (added August 7, 2021): In a tragic twist of fate, I found out this evening from POM commenter, OregonMatt, that his dear wife of ten years passed away today. I hope that the POM community can think of her, and of Matt, in this very trying time for him. I can go into more detail (as per Matt’s permission) in comments for those who feel compelled to know more. For now, please know the harsh reality is that transmission from those injected to non-injected is more than conjecture. Matt, we are thinking of you, and you are not alone. May your wife be at peace.

{Author admission (please read before proceeding): It has been brought to my attention by an astute commenter that some of the footage I have highlighted herein may be comprised of street theater. I urge readers to make the determination on their own, and to consider any implications if this is the case. I encourage readers to leave their opinions (if compelled) in the comments section. The last thing I would want to do is relay what I feel to be crucial information (on the topics of nanotechnology, the bio-digital panopticon, and social impact finance), and have it be confounded by speculation (on my part) that may have been based on false reporting (whether intentional or not) by videographers whom I do not know personally. No one is immune to being fooled (including this author), and this is a critical lesson in discernment. The irony is not lost on me, considering this essay is titled “A spoonful of reality . . .”; it is entirely possible that the embedded videos may be depicting a scripted reality. That said, it is clear that Philadelphia is a city saturated with poverty, and whatever may be going on in Kensington (perhaps some type of twisted experiment or even a LARP?) should not necessarily be extrapolated to the overall situation. Additionally, it seems that 153news.net is back in operation; thus, negating my note directly below.}

[Important note before reading: The video I had intended to link (https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=1991BGOD1RHR) is no longer active, as unfortunately, it seems the server at 153news is down at the time of this writing. Instead, I have temporarily linked fairly recent footage of Kensington Avenue (see linked video below, as WordPress will not allow me to embed it). In my opinion, this footage does not depict as poignantly the situation there, but if you begin watching at the 9-minute timestamp, it may give you a glimpse into the dismay I am attempting to convey herein.] 

Addendum (added August 5, 2021, shortly after posting): I was able to locate the original video I had intended to link. Thus, when reading my essay, please adjust accordingly, and take a glance at some of the comments below the video. Following is one comment that stood out, in particular, given the topic of this essay: “These people are defying gravity, physics and biology.” Others observed and noted the same. It seems this You Tuber, “kimgary,” has been posting footage of Kensington repeatedly for the past eight months.

Not much these days leaves me stunned and speechless. However, watching this video (see note above) of Kensington (in Philadelphia) felt so dark and raw to me. It certainly does not portray the sweet side of life, and while it may not be daunting to some, this footage is very personal to me. 

My all-time favorite pizza joint is in the Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia. Unfortunately, though, my memory of Kensington is of my dear grandfather (“Poppy”), who was brutally beaten many years ago with a baseball bat by two troubled individuals who were attempting to steal his car. He was left on the ground with both knees bashed and unable to walk.

Viewing this intimate peak (albeit a bit long, redundant, and probably distressing for many), into Kensington’s current reality has not improved my outlook. It seems it’s not always sunny in Philadelphia. So, yes, it’s personal. It’s also personal because I have family members who are addicted to legalized opioids (not street drugs), which has only led them deeper into pain.

When I watch this footage, what is glaring to me — aside from the dullness, litter, and waste, and the tragedy of strident dehumanization and devolution of society — is how flat and non-upright these barely living bodies are. Most are hunched over and leaning on nearby objects (more apparent in the original video I had intended to feature). It seems their bodies are physically and energetically incapable of supporting them. This looks a lot to me, not only like brain damage (likely from consistent abuse of street drugs), but also severe vagus nerve deterioration.

Did you know that graphene-based bioelectronics can be used to selectively modulate the vagus nerve? Can readers perceive how this advanced technology could be weaponized in certain circumstances – even potentially used for experimentation on specific populations? Clearly, the technological prowess is available, as revealed by Merck and Innervia Bioelectronics. I referenced Innervia’s parent company, INBRAIN Neurolectronics, in my June 12, 2021 post, “Free Wally: Tracing the Spike Protein Drama to a Llama.” Hypothetically, if illicit drugs were doped with graphene oxide, can you imagine the (dual-use) potential for such an application? (See here on the use of graphene oxide for the detection of cocaine, and here on the use of carbon nanomaterials to detect Fentanyl.)

Continue reading “A spoonful of reality may NOT help the (nano)medicine go down”

Ringing in a Resonant New Year

There is innate wisdom in Nature that sings and dances to the infinite rhythm of the Universe. Aligning with this sacred pattern of movement and growth returns us to balance and harmony. As we emulate Nature, we amplify our true Selves. 

~ Stephers

Here’s a stream of consciousness, as I reflect on these trying times, and ponder what is to come as we enter 2021 . . . 

As a full-time mom, wife, and homesteader, I don’t have much time to work in other capabilities — including wellness consulting and empowerment coaching. As a part-time writer and member here at POM, today I am sharing in a capacity that encompasses many of the hats I wear — as a dedicated mom, healer, coach, researcher, and budding blogger. 

For the past 10 years or so, I have been compelled to observe the knowing (and unknowing) minions of a hyper-militarized and hyper-occulted ruling system. Parallel to this “investigation,” I have explored modes of resisting and combatting this octupus-like network. I have continually fallen short. However, in my personal life, I have developed a self-empowerment tool (see Exhibit A) incorporating multiple forms of energy expressions in this sphere of life we inhabit and navigate. The method I created has enabled me to overcome personal life obstacles, even those which seemed unnavigable, and treading into what some may perceive as “evildoings” by “evildoers.” Regardless of whether these experiences were placed in my path for spiritual growth or to distract me from spiritual growth, one thing I have noticed is that when I apply this technique — an alchemical method of transformation and transmutation — rather than my previous default of resistance, I achieve a better result.

Continue reading “Ringing in a Resonant New Year”

The Ghost in the PCR Machine: Plugged into the COVID Nightmare

In memory of David Crowe of theinfectiousmyth.com who passed away July 12, 2020.

When are we going to awaken from this nightmare? It gets more surreal by the day. 

To add to the situation, I am throwing a wrench in the gears. On August 10, 2020, Jon Rappoport posted, “COVID: is the virus real?” — an expanded perspective, referring to SARS-CoV-2 as the “woo woo virus.” I suspect even Rappoport may not quite grasp the “woo woo” factor that could potentially be implicated in this event. Prepare your mind to stretch to seemingly impossibilities. Grab a hot mug of coffee or herbal tea. Then have at this. Happy sipping and reading . . . 

Continue reading “The Ghost in the PCR Machine: Plugged into the COVID Nightmare”

United Nations & Proper Introductions


My first two posts have left me feeling like I owe readers a more proper introduction. There have been some side glances perceptible towards me in that my username, Fauxlex, is spooky-sounding (I mean, it does have two X’s). A commenter versed in Latin who may or may not have been Miles Mathis himself called the name into question as meaning “false law” or “false principles”. He was not the only one, and they are correct on the facts. While this was not anything I considered at the time, it is a valid translation of my username. I have to own that. Now, taking a step back from myself, I completely understand why the name might seem nefarious. The real truth is that in college, I spent a month in Manhattan doing a seminar at the United Nations. This was for college credit…a paper had to be written, but ultimately what we got to do was meet with the UN Missions of upwards of 50 countries. You name the country, and good chance I met with them. We got to ask them anything we wanted without restriction, since these were supposed to be well-trained diplomats versed in the art of clever answers. I could tell you all many, many stories from this month. Anyway, during this month, one of my favorite stops was to Chinatown on a quest to buy a fake Rolex. All you really have to do is say the word “watch” while in Chinatown, and you will be approached by a stranger and handed what looks like a Chinese food menu, but is actually a menu of fake watches. You pick one out, various signals are given, money is exchanged, and pretty soon a fake Rolex is yours. This was a lot of fun…I cherish my fake Rolex as being a great memento from this time. Many years ago, when creating a username to comment in a completely unrelated sports blog, I came up with “Fauxlex” (pronounced Fo-lex). It made sense to me because “Faux”-lex rhymes with Ro-lex. Fauxlex, Rauxlex. A fake Rolex is a Fauxlex. This is why I uploaded the photograph as my main avatar…it was taken the day of that purchase in the NYU dorms, where we were staying.

Continue reading “United Nations & Proper Introductions”