RFK’s The Real Anthony Fauci: A progress report

I am on page 180 of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci, and have been unfaithful to my pledge not to litter it with 3M Post-It flags, I have indeed done so. So far I used eight of them. Normally a book I like will look ready to take flight, so many do I use.

At Amazon the book has so far generated 21,365 comments, 89% favorable. I would never add to a mess like that, and could not even if I wanted to, as sometime in the not-too-distant past, I violated Amazon’s “community standards,” which seem to be this: Be as controversial as you want in commenting, but never stray from the mainstream lane.

Continue reading “RFK’s The Real Anthony Fauci: A progress report”

The Stench of Digital Dung: Virtual Variants, Trigger Events, and Blockchain Cults

If you haven’t already, kindly remove your face diaper before proceeding.  

“Nearly one century ago, Lewis Mumford observed in his magnum opus, Technics in Civilization, that great advances in technology and society come from the intersection of complementary and mainly technological revolutions. Mumford assigned a label . . . to each of history’s modern eras. The first, with its ‘collection of inventions and ideas introduced from about AD 1000 into the eighteenth century,’  Mumford labeled the ‘ecotechnic phase’ . . . The second era, the Industrial Revolution, characterized by advances in ‘materials and power sources,’ he termed the ‘paleotechnic phase’ . . . His own time, the 1930s, which witnessed a flowering of innovation from ‘new alloys, electricity, and improved means of communication,’ he labeled the ‘neotechnic phase,’ (neo, of course for new).

To extend that taxonomy, we propose ‘neurotechnic phase,’ (the Greek root neuron meaning nerves) for the coming long era of growth. 

We now enter humanity’s first era of a networked, ubiquitous, and intelligent infrastructure. We do in fact live in time of a ‘new normal.’ But instead of our future being one of perennial slow growth and technological stagnation, it will be just the opposite. The reality is that we, and our children, and grandchildren, live at the beginning of the long neurotechnic phase of civilization, the most exciting and promising time in history.” (p. 327-328)

~ Mark P. Mills, The Cloud Revolution: How the Convergence of New Technologies Will Unleash the Next Economic Boom and a Roaring 2020s  

Writer’s Note: As I wrote this essay, I felt the need to “borrow” language from other writers and thinkers who have come before me, with remarkably greater insights and poetic lingo. Thus, I have repeatedly incorporated their original thoughts, and to simply credit them, rather than clutter the piece with long quotes. I chose to place their initials in parentheses where appropriate. Further, in most instances, as I was jumping from quote to quote, page to page, chapter to chapter, and post to post, I had trouble retroactively identifying their origins. So many of their insights blended seamlessly and synchronously with my own, that at times I found it challenging to distinguish where their thoughts ended, and mine began. Therefore, in my best effort to acknowledge these critical voices, I make every attempt to delineate them. I apologize in advance if they (or the reader) encounter any questionable overlap that went unaccounted for. Accordingly, following is the legend I utilized to denote these individuals:

Alison McDowell (AM) of wrenchinthegears.com

Michael Hoffman (MH) of revisionisthistory.org and author of Twilight Language and Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare 

Goro (G) of supertorchritual.com (most of his work at STR is behind a paywall — see Endnote 1)

Herein, I go beneath the masonic symbolism most often apparent and mirroring the occult. We are going deep — equipped with a Cryptocracy lens — into an abyss replete with Twilight Language (MH) and public psychodrama . . . into a land of disenchantment (MH), where we may see some uncanny coincidences that possibly serve as a reflection of a larger, yet hidden, gestalt out in the open.

How is that for a paradoxical and cryptic lead-in? 

Readers may recognize this phenomenon as Revelation of the Method, a term ostensibly coined by symbolism science extraordinaire James Shelby Downard, to describe the subliminal alchemical processing of society by its self-selected Cryptocratic controllers, through orchestrated open-air rituals (MH). 

My aim is to break any trance state that has been imposed on us. But how does one become lucid and mentally agile amidst all the noise spewed out by the Machine? Perhaps some kung fu pattern detection is in order . . . 

What is that terrible smell in the air? Do you sense it? Perhaps not. So please allow me to point it out.

There is digital dung (MH) floating around in the ether these days, defined and applied (by me; see Final Writer’s Note) as: symbolic, subliminal clues placed in open sight by the sorcerous system through public rituals, which unconsciously mirror the digitized infrastructure being built inside and around us — by humans, yet not for humans, as it ultimately serves the technological non-human master (the “AI beast”). Accordingly, we do not beneficially reap what we sow, as we increasingly become digitized, remotely-programmable serfs indentured to the Singularity.

Unless you have been living under a rock, undoubtedly, you have heard of one iteration of digital dung. It’s called Omicron. You may have thought it was only the name of a deviant (cough cough, I mean, variant), or an anagram of moronic or oncomir. Word play seems to have had a renaisssance since this mischievous deviant appeared on the scene. I suppose that’s a good sign. Some of us have been playing with words for many years, and it is kind of nice to see others joining in on the decoding amusement. Funny thing, though, there is one underhanded and unremitting thread that I have noticed, which seems to have been omitted from public awareness, and thus, deserves unraveling. Once you see it, I suspect you may not unsee it. Further, you may start to detect the curious pattern elsewhere. Let’s dip our toes into de-occulting this, shall we?

Continue reading “The Stench of Digital Dung: Virtual Variants, Trigger Events, and Blockchain Cults”

Part 10: mRNA Mavericks and Everyware ~ Re-assembling Life via Ribocomputing

An Inconvenient Truth About COVID Injections

Part 10 of the Series, “Of Monkeys, Mice and Men: From Natural Bodies to Digitized Bots”

“Of all the new frontiers opening up for computation, perhaps the most startling is that of the human body. As both a rich source of information in itself and the vehicle by which we experience the world, it was probably inevitable that sooner or later somebody would think to reconsider it as just another kind of networked resource . . . The motivations for wanting to do so are many; to leverage the body as a platform for mobile services; to register its position in space and time; to garner information that can be used to tailor the provision of other local services, like environmental controls; and to gain accurate and timely knowledge of the living body, in all the occult complexity of its inner workings . . . In every moment of our lives, the rhythm of the heartbeat, the chemistry of the blood, even the electrical conductivity of the skin are changing in response to [the] evolving physical, situational, and emotional environment. If you were somehow able to capture and interpret these signals, though, all manner of good could come from it . . . Doctors could easily verify their patients’ compliance with a prescribed regimen of pharmaceutical treatment or prophylaxis; a wide variety of otherwise dangerous conditions, caught early enough, might yield to timely intervention . . . The information is there; all that remains is to collect it. Ideally, this means getting a data-gathering device that does not call undue attention to itself into intimate proximity with the body, over reasonably long stretches of time.” (p. 48-49)

~ Adam Greenfield, author of Everyware: The dawning age of ubiquitous computing 

This is the final installment of a series I launched in December 2020 (see Endnote 1). Although I had intended to wrap up this series with a concentrated focus on transhumanism, given this topic saturation on the airwaves (see links in Endnote 2), I would like to circle back to what I touched upon (Singapore as a bioengineering propagator worldwide) in the Prologue and Part 1, and to which I promised I would return.

A Brief mRNA Refresher

In 2018, Moderna President, Stephen Hoge, stated, “Why are we so passionate about messenger RNA? . . . It starts with the question of life . . . And in fact, all life that we know flows through messenger RNA . . . In our language, mRNA is the software of life.” He elaborated that cells use messenger RNA (mRNA) to translate the genes of DNA into “dynamic” proteins, involved in every bodily function. 

Theoretically, mRNA prompts proteins to be made in our bodies — thereby placing drug factories inside us. In a 2018 interview with C&EN, Moderna’s Hoge asserted, “You could ultimately use mRNA to express any protein and perhaps treat almost any disease . . . It is almost limitless what it can do.”

According to pharmaceutical giant GSK — which, like Moderna, also manufactures vaccines based on mRNA technology — messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) is a biological molecule that is naturally produced in human cells and carries genetic code for the cells to produce proteins. The company purports that synthetic mRNA vaccine technology is a new platform for vaccines — which will disrupt the field of vaccinology. 

mRNA Mavericks in Singapore

For the record, I was not avoiding the most commonly discussed topic when it comes to the COVID injections — that of mRNA. Rather, I intended to complete this exploratory journey with discourse of mRNA, in my unique way, and I appreciate the patience exhibited by POM readers. 

As I implied in my Prologue, the task of penning this series was to examine what I referred to as the “alchemical marriage of synthetic biology and COVID,” and to provide evidence that biotech tinkerers were re-imagining humanity in a quest for re-genesis. I suspected early on that the impending injections would not only be mandated, but would represent a covert method of re-assembling nature, thereby possibly re-defining what it means to be “human.” COVID was simply a commercialized catalyst — akin to a pitch deck — in marketing advanced technologies that were waiting in the wings, with mRNA playing a pivotal role. My guess is . . . we have not seen anything yet — at least in terms of where they intend to take a human being. 

In reference to the slogan of the Great Reset — build back better — I posed the question, “Could building back — using a plethora of genetic modification projects — be a means to a dead end of humanity, and worse, to biological life itself?” I return to this question in this final installment, and to individuals who may have played (or continue to play) a central role in human genetic modification; and thus, may be considered progenitors of synthetic (or re-assembled) humanity, or perhaps may be more aptly termed “re-genitors.” 

Continue reading “Part 10: mRNA Mavericks and Everyware ~ Re-assembling Life via Ribocomputing”

A spoonful of reality may NOT help the (nano)medicine go down

“The strength of The Invisible Heart lies within its cast of characters . . . the faces of real people are what makes the Heart so potent.” 

~ Trent Wilkie, The Trent Wilkie

Author dedication (added August 7, 2021): In a tragic twist of fate, I found out this evening from POM commenter, OregonMatt, that his dear wife of ten years passed away today. I hope that the POM community can think of her, and of Matt, in this very trying time for him. I can go into more detail (as per Matt’s permission) in comments for those who feel compelled to know more. For now, please know the harsh reality is that transmission from those injected to non-injected is more than conjecture. Matt, we are thinking of you, and you are not alone. May your wife be at peace.

{Author admission (please read before proceeding): It has been brought to my attention by an astute commenter that some of the footage I have highlighted herein may be comprised of street theater. I urge readers to make the determination on their own, and to consider any implications if this is the case. I encourage readers to leave their opinions (if compelled) in the comments section. The last thing I would want to do is relay what I feel to be crucial information (on the topics of nanotechnology, the bio-digital panopticon, and social impact finance), and have it be confounded by speculation (on my part) that may have been based on false reporting (whether intentional or not) by videographers whom I do not know personally. No one is immune to being fooled (including this author), and this is a critical lesson in discernment. The irony is not lost on me, considering this essay is titled “A spoonful of reality . . .”; it is entirely possible that the embedded videos may be depicting a scripted reality. That said, it is clear that Philadelphia is a city saturated with poverty, and whatever may be going on in Kensington (perhaps some type of twisted experiment or even a LARP?) should not necessarily be extrapolated to the overall situation. Additionally, it seems that 153news.net is back in operation; thus, negating my note directly below.}

[Important note before reading: The video I had intended to link (https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=1991BGOD1RHR) is no longer active, as unfortunately, it seems the server at 153news is down at the time of this writing. Instead, I have temporarily linked fairly recent footage of Kensington Avenue (see linked video below, as WordPress will not allow me to embed it). In my opinion, this footage does not depict as poignantly the situation there, but if you begin watching at the 9-minute timestamp, it may give you a glimpse into the dismay I am attempting to convey herein.] 

Addendum (added August 5, 2021, shortly after posting): I was able to locate the original video I had intended to link. Thus, when reading my essay, please adjust accordingly, and take a glance at some of the comments below the video. Following is one comment that stood out, in particular, given the topic of this essay: “These people are defying gravity, physics and biology.” Others observed and noted the same. It seems this You Tuber, “kimgary,” has been posting footage of Kensington repeatedly for the past eight months.

Not much these days leaves me stunned and speechless. However, watching this video (see note above) of Kensington (in Philadelphia) felt so dark and raw to me. It certainly does not portray the sweet side of life, and while it may not be daunting to some, this footage is very personal to me. 

My all-time favorite pizza joint is in the Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia. Unfortunately, though, my memory of Kensington is of my dear grandfather (“Poppy”), who was brutally beaten many years ago with a baseball bat by two troubled individuals who were attempting to steal his car. He was left on the ground with both knees bashed and unable to walk.

Viewing this intimate peak (albeit a bit long, redundant, and probably distressing for many), into Kensington’s current reality has not improved my outlook. It seems it’s not always sunny in Philadelphia. So, yes, it’s personal. It’s also personal because I have family members who are addicted to legalized opioids (not street drugs), which has only led them deeper into pain.

When I watch this footage, what is glaring to me — aside from the dullness, litter, and waste, and the tragedy of strident dehumanization and devolution of society — is how flat and non-upright these barely living bodies are. Most are hunched over and leaning on nearby objects (more apparent in the original video I had intended to feature). It seems their bodies are physically and energetically incapable of supporting them. This looks a lot to me, not only like brain damage (likely from consistent abuse of street drugs), but also severe vagus nerve deterioration.

Did you know that graphene-based bioelectronics can be used to selectively modulate the vagus nerve? Can readers perceive how this advanced technology could be weaponized in certain circumstances – even potentially used for experimentation on specific populations? Clearly, the technological prowess is available, as revealed by Merck and Innervia Bioelectronics. I referenced Innervia’s parent company, INBRAIN Neurolectronics, in my June 12, 2021 post, “Free Wally: Tracing the Spike Protein Drama to a Llama.” Hypothetically, if illicit drugs were doped with graphene oxide, can you imagine the (dual-use) potential for such an application? (See here on the use of graphene oxide for the detection of cocaine, and here on the use of carbon nanomaterials to detect Fentanyl.)

Continue reading “A spoonful of reality may NOT help the (nano)medicine go down”

Calling All Critical Thinkers . . .

On Monday, June 28, 2021, U.S. Senator Ron Johnson, along with former Green Bay Packers player, Ken Ruettgers, hosted a press conference in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with individuals claiming to be harmed by COVID injections. The press conference is getting some play from independent researchers, and on alternative media platforms (see here, here, and here), but seemingly receiving some backlash in the mainstream media, and from local media in Wisconsin. 

I am interested if POM readers have viewed this press conference. If not, I suggest watching the conference in its entirety (it begins shortly after the 9-minute time stamp), or reviewing excerpts transcribed in the links above. 

For more detailed information (including professionally produced interviews) on the group of individuals who testified at the June 28 press conference, please review their web site called C19 Vax Reactions, ostensibly created by Ken Ruettgers. You can also see a more personalized story about one of the individuals (Maddie de Garay), as expressed by her father (Patrick de Garay) on his Facebook profile here.

Continue reading “Calling All Critical Thinkers . . .”

The Rock Hudson affair

One of my childhood memories is being taken to an outdoor movie theater, Motor View, by an aunt and uncle, to watch the movie “Giant,” starring Rock Hudson, James Dean and Elizabeth Taylor. I was probably seven years old, and had no business watching that movie. It was incredibly boring, but I think aunt and uncle were charged with taking care of me for some reason, and they wanted to see the movie. I was just assigned back seat duties.

Yesterday I went to read the synopsis of the movie, and I couldn’t get through it. Bored again! The reason for my interest was having just read the last chapter of the book Virus Mania, titled Rock Hudson Gave “AIDS” A Face, and Virus Hunters Godlike Status. I’ve been reading this book off and on for a long time now, having to get away from it now and then because the crap that has gone down in the fields of epidemiology, medicine and virology is so ghastly dishonest and criminal. That they get away with their crimes with utter impunity makes reading about them tortuous. But I did it, got through it, knowing all along that the last chapter was about Rock Hudson.

Continue reading “The Rock Hudson affair”

Part 9: Tuned In ~ A Mother’s Intuition on Transmission from the Jabbed to the Un-Jabbed

Part 9 of the Series, “Of Monkeys, Mice and Men: From Natural Bodies to Digitized Bots”

My maternal instinct leads me to sense a relatively new feature has been added to the dystopian, anti-life, nature-defeating and dangerous game afoot . . . Given the abundance of anecdotal reports from women (both injected and non-injected with medical devices pertaining to COVID) exhibiting menstrual irregularities, and pregnant women enduring unexplained miscarriages, I have been occupied with ascertaining knowledge about the potential method of transmission. What I have uncovered, within the context of engineered nanoparticles (ENPs), may be applicable to plausible concerns that have surfaced in the past month. 

Accordingly, multiple researchers have been questioning, speculating, and even debating amongst themselves with respect to the mode of passage from one jabbed person to another, who is unjabbed. These bright minds are also attempting to hone in on precisely what is being transmitted. Please read here (Makia Freeman posits that re-wiring genetic code may be affecting physical and energetic fields), and watch here (from the 28 to 37 minute timestamps, Dr. Carrie Madej suggests injected people may be acting as wireless antennae), here (David Icke hypothesizes the jabbed may be broadcasting a frequency), and here (five prominent physicians emphasize this is an undetermined form of transmission, but not viral shedding) in this regard.

The central question I would like to address is as follows: If ENPs are present in these new, experimental injections — purportedly addressing a new condition called COVID — are they able to be transmitted to non-injected individuals; and if so, by what mechanism?

Continue reading “Part 9: Tuned In ~ A Mother’s Intuition on Transmission from the Jabbed to the Un-Jabbed”

Part 8: Trust Codes, Vaccine Passports, and Scannable Humans

Part 8 the Series, “Of Monkeys, Mice and Men: From Natural Bodies to Digitized Bots”

I will keep this comparatively short and sweet . . . 

I consider myself a honey enthusiast. I am not a beekeeper, although I purchase local raw honey from reputable beekeepers. When I say “reputable,” I do not imply that I have verified through some meticulous process that their honey is 100 percent pesticide-free, or superior in flavor and consistency than another. I simply seek out, and consume, honey using my intuition and asking basic questions about the purveyors’ source and methodology. In any case, I indulge in the consumption of raw honey nearly every day for culinary purposes — in my herbal teas, on my fresh fruit, on gluten-free toast, and sometimes by the spoonful sprinkled with cinnamon and cardamom. As I said, I am a honey enthusiast

Recently, instead of a local store purchase, I ordered New Zealand-produced Manuka honey online. Though I can buy it in nearby stores, it is produced exclusively in Australia and New Zealand. I have been enjoying raw Manuka honey for the last five years, for its potentially therapeutic properties, including internal healing, such as aiding in digestion and anti-inflammation. I always keep some on hand in the event of external wounds as well. It is an expensive item, so I use it sparingly. If you are not familiar with Manuka honey and its individualized “grading system” called Unique Manuka Factor (UMF), please read here.

Due to its purported medicinal value, and its UMF ranking (in addition to other rating systems), Manuka honey production is recognized for its strict enforcement. This also follows because as one of the most expensive honey products, the adulteration and “counterfeiting” of Manuka honey is reportedly rampant. Hence, it should not have been a surprise when I saw that this particular Manuka honey brand had a scannable Quick Response (QR) code on the jar lid, to verify its traceability, and therefore, its authenticity. I had not noticed that when ordering.

Continue reading “Part 8: Trust Codes, Vaccine Passports, and Scannable Humans”

The “New Normal”: Are we there yet?

Is anyone still waiting for the end of all this global, digital flim-flam? Like perpetual (conventional) warfare, the ruling class can never quit inventing new methods to control the masses and snatching up an ever greater percentage wealth and natural resources (including “human capital” i.e. slaves). Psychopaths and sociopaths need someone else to blame for their own failings. But who is left to call an external enemy when the entire world is now controlled by one, unified power alliance? The so-called terrorists of the late 20th Century aren’t scaring anyone, and it’s pretty well known that they’re our terrorists, funded via our allies (Israel, Saudi Arabia,  United Arab Emirates  etc.) in the Middle East.

So, where are we in this endless game of fraud and deception? The New Normal (Phase 2) – Consent Factory, Inc.

CJ Hopkins over at Consent Factory, Inc. has a nice overview of our current situation.

“A globally-hegemonic system (e.g., global capitalism) has no external enemies, as there is no territory ‘outside’ the system. Its only enemies are within the system, and thus, by definition, are insurgents, also known as ‘terrorists’ and ‘extremists.’ These terms are utterly meaningless, obviously. They are purely strategic, deployed against anyone who deviates from GloboCap’s official ideology … which, in case you were wondering, is called ‘normality’ (or, in our case, currently, ‘New Normality’) … [t]he new breed of ‘terrorists’ do not just hate us for our freedom … they hate us because they hate ‘reality.’ They are no longer our political or ideological opponents … they are suffering from a psychiatric disorder. They no longer need to be argued with or listened to … they need to be ‘treated,’ ‘reeducated,’ and ‘deprogrammed,’ until they accept ‘Reality.’”

Continue reading “The “New Normal”: Are we there yet?”

Macabre morning

I’ve been immersed in the Stefan Lanka writings linked below, and will cite a passage from a Wisssenschafftplus 4/2020 article called The Causes of the Corona Crisis are Clearly Identified Virologists  … I printed this article yesterday, as I don’t like on-screen reading, and now cannot find it again. If someone has the link, please add it to the comments. Here a the passage from the beginning, a long paragraph that rocked my world:

“Humanity is facing a great challenge: the inherent dynamics and consequences of fear and anti-biosis through the discipline of biology and medicine, disturb and destroy the environment, plants, animals, people and the economy. The corona crisis is only the visible tip of an iceberg on a collision course with everyone and everything. One of the reasons for this challenge is materialism, the attempt to explain life by purely material models. Our materialism of today was invented in “post-Socratic” antiquity as an explicit counter-reaction to fear and abuse of power by religions. This is a comprehensible, human and humanitarian motivated action, but it has dramatic consequences. This materialism has produced the taught good-evil-biology, the “prevailing opinion” in medicine based on it and the resulting anti-biosis (antibiotics, radiation, chemotherapy, disinfection, restriction of basic rights, vaccination, lock-down, quarantine, social distancing etc.). More and more people, environment and economy are harmed by this ideology. Their materialistic good-evil theory, which has no actual basis but is based on disproved assumptions, developed unrecognized into the most powerful religion. The materialistic theory of life states that there are only atoms, but no consciousness, no spiritual forces and no animator who would’ve created them and set them in motion. In order to be able to explain the cosmos and life in a purely material way, are “science” is forced to assert a huge bang, in which all atoms were created out of nothing, which flew apart. Some atoms would touch each other by chance and form molecules. These molecules had formed the primordial cell by accidental coming together, from which all further life had developed by struggle and selection. All of this is said to have happened in unimaginable length of time in the distant past, and is therefore not subject to scientific examination and must therefore not be called scientific.”

Continue reading “Macabre morning”