The Stench of Digital Dung: Virtual Variants, Trigger Events, and Blockchain Cults

If you haven’t already, kindly remove your face diaper before proceeding.  

“Nearly one century ago, Lewis Mumford observed in his magnum opus, Technics in Civilization, that great advances in technology and society come from the intersection of complementary and mainly technological revolutions. Mumford assigned a label . . . to each of history’s modern eras. The first, with its ‘collection of inventions and ideas introduced from about AD 1000 into the eighteenth century,’  Mumford labeled the ‘ecotechnic phase’ . . . The second era, the Industrial Revolution, characterized by advances in ‘materials and power sources,’ he termed the ‘paleotechnic phase’ . . . His own time, the 1930s, which witnessed a flowering of innovation from ‘new alloys, electricity, and improved means of communication,’ he labeled the ‘neotechnic phase,’ (neo, of course for new).

To extend that taxonomy, we propose ‘neurotechnic phase,’ (the Greek root neuron meaning nerves) for the coming long era of growth. 

We now enter humanity’s first era of a networked, ubiquitous, and intelligent infrastructure. We do in fact live in time of a ‘new normal.’ But instead of our future being one of perennial slow growth and technological stagnation, it will be just the opposite. The reality is that we, and our children, and grandchildren, live at the beginning of the long neurotechnic phase of civilization, the most exciting and promising time in history.” (p. 327-328)

~ Mark P. Mills, The Cloud Revolution: How the Convergence of New Technologies Will Unleash the Next Economic Boom and a Roaring 2020s  

Writer’s Note: As I wrote this essay, I felt the need to “borrow” language from other writers and thinkers who have come before me, with remarkably greater insights and poetic lingo. Thus, I have repeatedly incorporated their original thoughts, and to simply credit them, rather than clutter the piece with long quotes. I chose to place their initials in parentheses where appropriate. Further, in most instances, as I was jumping from quote to quote, page to page, chapter to chapter, and post to post, I had trouble retroactively identifying their origins. So many of their insights blended seamlessly and synchronously with my own, that at times I found it challenging to distinguish where their thoughts ended, and mine began. Therefore, in my best effort to acknowledge these critical voices, I make every attempt to delineate them. I apologize in advance if they (or the reader) encounter any questionable overlap that went unaccounted for. Accordingly, following is the legend I utilized to denote these individuals:

Alison McDowell (AM) of

Michael Hoffman (MH) of and author of Twilight Language and Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare 

Goro (G) of (most of his work at STR is behind a paywall — see Endnote 1)

Herein, I go beneath the masonic symbolism most often apparent and mirroring the occult. We are going deep — equipped with a Cryptocracy lens — into an abyss replete with Twilight Language (MH) and public psychodrama . . . into a land of disenchantment (MH), where we may see some uncanny coincidences that possibly serve as a reflection of a larger, yet hidden, gestalt out in the open.

How is that for a paradoxical and cryptic lead-in? 

Readers may recognize this phenomenon as Revelation of the Method, a term ostensibly coined by symbolism science extraordinaire James Shelby Downard, to describe the subliminal alchemical processing of society by its self-selected Cryptocratic controllers, through orchestrated open-air rituals (MH). 

My aim is to break any trance state that has been imposed on us. But how does one become lucid and mentally agile amidst all the noise spewed out by the Machine? Perhaps some kung fu pattern detection is in order . . . 

What is that terrible smell in the air? Do you sense it? Perhaps not. So please allow me to point it out.

There is digital dung (MH) floating around in the ether these days, defined and applied (by me; see Final Writer’s Note) as: symbolic, subliminal clues placed in open sight by the sorcerous system through public rituals, which unconsciously mirror the digitized infrastructure being built inside and around us — by humans, yet not for humans, as it ultimately serves the technological non-human master (the “AI beast”). Accordingly, we do not beneficially reap what we sow, as we increasingly become digitized, remotely-programmable serfs indentured to the Singularity.

Unless you have been living under a rock, undoubtedly, you have heard of one iteration of digital dung. It’s called Omicron. You may have thought it was only the name of a deviant (cough cough, I mean, variant), or an anagram of moronic or oncomir. Word play seems to have had a renaisssance since this mischievous deviant appeared on the scene. I suppose that’s a good sign. Some of us have been playing with words for many years, and it is kind of nice to see others joining in on the decoding amusement. Funny thing, though, there is one underhanded and unremitting thread that I have noticed, which seems to have been omitted from public awareness, and thus, deserves unraveling. Once you see it, I suspect you may not unsee it. Further, you may start to detect the curious pattern elsewhere. Let’s dip our toes into de-occulting this, shall we?

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Ringing in a Resonant New Year

There is innate wisdom in Nature that sings and dances to the infinite rhythm of the Universe. Aligning with this sacred pattern of movement and growth returns us to balance and harmony. As we emulate Nature, we amplify our true Selves. 

~ Stephers

Here’s a stream of consciousness, as I reflect on these trying times, and ponder what is to come as we enter 2021 . . . 

As a full-time mom, wife, and homesteader, I don’t have much time to work in other capabilities — including wellness consulting and empowerment coaching. As a part-time writer and member here at POM, today I am sharing in a capacity that encompasses many of the hats I wear — as a dedicated mom, healer, coach, researcher, and budding blogger. 

For the past 10 years or so, I have been compelled to observe the knowing (and unknowing) minions of a hyper-militarized and hyper-occulted ruling system. Parallel to this “investigation,” I have explored modes of resisting and combatting this octupus-like network. I have continually fallen short. However, in my personal life, I have developed a self-empowerment tool (see Exhibit A) incorporating multiple forms of energy expressions in this sphere of life we inhabit and navigate. The method I created has enabled me to overcome personal life obstacles, even those which seemed unnavigable, and treading into what some may perceive as “evildoings” by “evildoers.” Regardless of whether these experiences were placed in my path for spiritual growth or to distract me from spiritual growth, one thing I have noticed is that when I apply this technique — an alchemical method of transformation and transmutation — rather than my previous default of resistance, I achieve a better result.

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Kamala Harris Replaced with Clone Ahead of VP Announcement?


To remind readers, here at Piece of Mindful we have actively questioned whether major public figures are genetically engineered beings. Imagine my surprise after witnessing Kamala Harris, the clear betting favorite to become the Democrat VP nominee, suddenly get replaced with a lookalike ahead of her possible announcement as VP candidate. Isn’t that just fascinating?!? This may just be the start of a whole new and fascinating line of inquiry.

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Trojan horse here, Trojan horse there, Trojan horses everywhere

Nearly everyone knows the epic tale of the Trojan horse. As I grew up without a classical education, I did not learn about this tale of deception until I was an adult. In fact, I experienced and observed this phenomenon in my own life . . . LONG before I ever knew the literary reference. 

Switching to more recent and relevant context, from, Trojans are defined as “programs that claim to perform one function but actually do another, typically malicious. Trojans can take the form of attachments, downloads and fake videos/programs.” 

The Coronavirus paradigm reflects the iconic Trojan horse tale, but has been inverted. It’s a virus of paradox — a Trojan virus, if you will. So, whereas Trojan computer viruses are seemingly benign programs that hide more malicious intent, this novel virus has been portrayed as malicious, but may be more of an exaggeration, and potentially even a misrepresentation of a threat. Whether or not you believe that there is a manufactured pandemic, or subscribe to the notion, “Never let a crisis go to waste,” both perspectives are consistent with a Trojan virus, as it has hacked the minds of nearly the entire global population. It’s the epitome of malware, whether conceived in a computer lab, or as a thought-form, or otherwise. It has been brought to life, and has brought the world to its knees — at the behest of the “scientific” elite. It has even affected those of us who seem immune to its mind-altering impact. 

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Occult Secret Societies of the Fox River Valley

The latest coronavirus paper from our friend in Taos (although apparently “he” is moving?) has me in total agreement on one point: if they want us obsessing about the dreaded COVID-19, then we should absolutely NOT be obsessing about it. Our lives are being disrupted, and as annoying as this is, we should not let it distract us for our regular pursuits of truth.

In that vein, my recent research into the Steven Avery frame-up case has lead down some really fascinating avenues. I still believe it to be very unlikely that Teresa Halbach is dead. The most jaw-dropping item I found are a series of stories told by an unrelated resident of Wisconsin’s Fox River Valley about the local secret society and his account of being pressured by them.

For a little back-story…before Netflix, Steven Avery first spent 18 years in prison for a rape on the shores of Lake Michigan that was equally mysterious to the later frame-up case. A key witness to this first crime was a man by the name of Dave Begotka, and the story below is his to tell. He speaks of total local control by members of a secret society. You have to hear it to believe it. There is murder, occult, sex magic, devil worship, more frame-ups, and the kind of ruthlessness you just can’t make up.

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