
I am going to delete some words to shorten this passage, taken from the essays Death: The Unintended Consequences of the War on Opioids, by Jeffrey A. Singer, and Drugs: The Systematic Prohibition of U.S. Drug Science, by Trevor Burrus, printed in the book Scienttocracy (page 125 et seq), edited by Patrick J. Michaels and Terrence Kealey. Stanley is a research fellow at the Cato Institute. He received his from Brooklyn College (CUNY) and his MD from New York Medical College. Burrus is also a research fellow, working in the Cato Institute’s Robert A. Levy Center for Constitutional Studies. He holds a BA in philosophy from the University of Colorado at Boulder and a JD from the University of Denver Sturm College of Law. All that follows until you run into the word “OK” is from Stanley and Burrus, thereafter from me.

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Riding the 33: Doom and Bloom

“I love dandelions. They make me feel like sunshine itself, and you will always see some creature resting on an open bloom, if you have a little patience to wait. This vital source for all emerging pollinators is a blast of uplifting yellow to brighten even the greyest of days. It stands tall and proud, unlike all the others opening and swaying in the breeze. The odd one out.” 

~ Dara McAnulty, Diary of a Young Naturalist

This past weekend was the convergence of holidays spanning three Abrahamic religions — Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. It seems this occurs . . . every 33 years. (Uh oh, there is the 33 — once again.) April 15, 2022 was Good Friday, and also the first day of Passover, concordantly marking the time of Ramadan.

Amidst this concurrence of religious faiths, there have been seeds of doom and gloom wafting over the media airwaves. One alleged incident of doom this week occurred in the NYC subway. And what do you know? It was infused with the cryptic 33 (see here and here). Imagine that. Do you also see the 33 coding in this reported incident of gloom on April 16, 2022 at Columbiana Centre in Columbia, S.C.?

If the conniving, 33-obsessed controllers can ride the 33 this week (ostensibly, a time signaling religious faith and renewal), then, hey, why can’t we?! Perhaps there is an occulted hint in exploiting the vibrational template of 33, but for beneficent aims (?). While I surmise that occulted numbers — such as the 33 — can be utilized to manifest imprints of doom and gloom, I suggest that ordinary, well-intentioned individuals (including an ‘odd one out’ — such as myself) may also be able to access the natural vibration (an inherent, universal energetic template) of the 33, with which to harness and manifest intentions of bloom, as well as reckoning, restitution, and reciprocity. 

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Monday minutia

Marc Maron is a comic, former alcoholic and cocaine addict, by his own admission. His comic routine is narrative and kind of free-floating. He might have a general idea of where he is going in any set, and a few punchlines in mind, but I doubt even he knows for sure exactly where he is taking us. His career has been a struggle to get to the middle. He was once known as the angry comic, and the image to the left fit him very well. I generally like him and do not change channels when driving if he comes on. But he is known to toe the line, ridiculing people who don’t see any Climate Change going on, and also any who refused to vaccinate and wear a mask. He can be doctrinaire, arrogant, and blind.

Long before so many others, like Conan O’Brien and Dana Carvey, Sarah Silverman and David Spade started doing podcasts (a result of the Scamdemic), Maron settled into the format. He is a good interviewer, and he does his homework. I was shocked to learn that he has done 1,315 episodes. He has hosted some of the biggest names in show business. I wondered what it was that made Ted Danson get up at 3AM on a Saturday to travel across Los Angeles to sit down for an interview in Maron’s garage. He has some kind of magnetic attraction to draw big names like that.

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February 2022: The Passage of Pluto and the Palindromes

“Mechanization, we must remember, originated in the clock, in the mechanization of time…It is the mechanization of time that presupposes the tendency toward mechanization as a state of mind…Insofar as it is the projection of human thought, the technosphere is the materialization of the sum mental processes denoted and conditioned by mechanization in all its aspects, and that have their primary root in the mechanization of time. It is the mechanization of time that essentially establishes the artificial timing frequency as the capacity to engender the machine and, consequently, an artificial structure, the technosphere…The effect of adaptation to artificial mechanized time creates a social-political hierarchy known as the technocracy — rule according to the needs of technology. It is the effect of maintaining the technocracy and the technosphere itself that establishes the inability of human consciousness to do anything more than remain in a constant, servile, and unchanging state of machine dominance. All the while, by contrast to the unchanging condition of consciousness, the machines evolve exponentially in number and complexity. As Marshall McLuhan so correctly put it, the humans are the bees of the machine.” 

~ José Argüelles, Time & The Technosphere: The Law of Time in Human Affairs (p. 81-83)

Writer’s Note: My December 2021 post, “The Stench of Digital Dung: Virtual Variants, Trigger Events, and Blockchain Cults,” may serve as a primer to grasp the broader context of this exposition. Once again, I am simpatico with Goro et al. in the context of occult timing of current events. I gratefully offer multiple hat tips to Goro and his commenters at Super Torch Ritual for their keen insights (although, very importantly, I do NOT share their collective perspective on Putin and nuclear weapons).

Pluto and the Palindromes . . . Sort of sounds like it could be the catchy name of a 1950s rock-n-roll band . . . It does have a ring of retro music to it. For readers who may have landed upon this post to hear some rockin’ music, or to read a reminiscent diatribe on “oldies,” I will disappoint. However, for readers who have an interest in palindromes (and time inversion), please stick around . . . Hey, who doesn’t love palindromes?

Herein, I present how the timing of events matters to the mechanized Machine. At this moment in time — in order to gain clarity amidst perceived chaos — it may be less helpful to explore the “who, what, when, where, why, and how” involved in the most recent reported events (as well as the obvious question, qui bono?); but instead, ask a potentially more informative question,“why now?”

Why now?

Whether we believe in astronomy, astrology, or numerology does not really matter. Whomever — or whatever — comprises the predatory dominating system on this planet will still continue to operate within these esoteric territories . . . as they believe in these constructs.  I think this is a crucial distinction. 

So let’s peer retroactively behind the occulted curtain. In a sense, we are going backwards — rewinding in time. I suppose we could say this exercise in hindsight is not 20/20, but rather, so 2022. That said, I would much prefer to have a heads up prior to orchestrated events, but I am no fan of (nor believer in) prophecy, nor do I have access to advanced time-altering devices (keep reading). Thus, hindsight remains in play for now. 

Given that all the airwaves have been buzzing about shelling in Ukraine, I thought I may raise some esoteric considerations, most of which are not on the radar. Speaking of radar (yes, a palindrome), shall we explore palindromic explosions in Ukraine? Have I piqued your interest? Hopefully, my term, palindromic explosions, will make more sense by the end of this read.

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Fear is the enemy of freedom

As a youngster in the 1950s and 60s, the big thing hanging over my head was the Russians and the bomb. The propaganda was relentless. The fear we felt during the Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) was real in us. I remember a gal named Susan who was teachers’ pet assigned to go to all eight classrooms in our school to announce that the Russians had backed down. Our sense of relief was palpable. Creating fear in children in that manner is abusive, but the idea is to get ’em while they are young, instill the fear so that it will reside in them for their entire lives.

At age 38 I finally realized that the USSR never posed a threat, that the Cold War was not real. I felt a physical sense of relief, as if a cloud had been removed, a weight taken off my shoulders. That physical sensation was real. All the fear they instilled in me as a child vanished, and I felt a wonderful freedom I’d never before experienced.

I did this for myself, that is, I was not following some leader or guru. I was just exploring and testing my boundaries when the dam broke. It was an accumulation of questions and doubts arising, and no specific instance. But I do remember a particular moment. In the book The Fish is Red, by Warren Hinkle and William Turner, there is a a brief section (pp 129-31) where it is alleged that Havana had concocted a plan to overthrow the Arturo Frondizi Ércol government of Argentina. A Cuban career diplomat serving in Buenos Aires resigned and took with him eighty-two documents that purported to detail such a plan. The Cuban government claimed that the documents were forged by Cuban exiles working with the CIA. The US State Department announced that it had exhaustively studied the documents and that they were genuine.

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Lies and lying liars at NOAA

Several times a week I visit WUWT, or Watts Up With That, the amazing website run by meteorologist Anthony Watts. There he chronicles the entire Climate Change scam, naming names and calling out liars. They are all about, on a mission to distort reality for nefarious and vile purposes, which appear to be to impoverish us and reduce our numbers. The people behind climate change are criminals of historic stature. None can be trusted.

But I accept that about them, and I think as I read through WUWT that it is pointless to point out the lies and lying liars, as they know who they are and what they are doing. They are even rewarded. Take, for instance, David Viner, who laughably predicted in the year 2000 that Great Brittan had seen the last of this thing we call “snow.” It isn’t just stupid junk science and openly wrong, but also note that Viner is impermeable to any career damage caused by his own bad science. Here’s from his CV:

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Part 10: mRNA Mavericks and Everyware ~ Re-assembling Life via Ribocomputing

An Inconvenient Truth About COVID Injections

Part 10 of the Series, “Of Monkeys, Mice and Men: From Natural Bodies to Digitized Bots”

“Of all the new frontiers opening up for computation, perhaps the most startling is that of the human body. As both a rich source of information in itself and the vehicle by which we experience the world, it was probably inevitable that sooner or later somebody would think to reconsider it as just another kind of networked resource . . . The motivations for wanting to do so are many; to leverage the body as a platform for mobile services; to register its position in space and time; to garner information that can be used to tailor the provision of other local services, like environmental controls; and to gain accurate and timely knowledge of the living body, in all the occult complexity of its inner workings . . . In every moment of our lives, the rhythm of the heartbeat, the chemistry of the blood, even the electrical conductivity of the skin are changing in response to [the] evolving physical, situational, and emotional environment. If you were somehow able to capture and interpret these signals, though, all manner of good could come from it . . . Doctors could easily verify their patients’ compliance with a prescribed regimen of pharmaceutical treatment or prophylaxis; a wide variety of otherwise dangerous conditions, caught early enough, might yield to timely intervention . . . The information is there; all that remains is to collect it. Ideally, this means getting a data-gathering device that does not call undue attention to itself into intimate proximity with the body, over reasonably long stretches of time.” (p. 48-49)

~ Adam Greenfield, author of Everyware: The dawning age of ubiquitous computing 

This is the final installment of a series I launched in December 2020 (see Endnote 1). Although I had intended to wrap up this series with a concentrated focus on transhumanism, given this topic saturation on the airwaves (see links in Endnote 2), I would like to circle back to what I touched upon (Singapore as a bioengineering propagator worldwide) in the Prologue and Part 1, and to which I promised I would return.

A Brief mRNA Refresher

In 2018, Moderna President, Stephen Hoge, stated, “Why are we so passionate about messenger RNA? . . . It starts with the question of life . . . And in fact, all life that we know flows through messenger RNA . . . In our language, mRNA is the software of life.” He elaborated that cells use messenger RNA (mRNA) to translate the genes of DNA into “dynamic” proteins, involved in every bodily function. 

Theoretically, mRNA prompts proteins to be made in our bodies — thereby placing drug factories inside us. In a 2018 interview with C&EN, Moderna’s Hoge asserted, “You could ultimately use mRNA to express any protein and perhaps treat almost any disease . . . It is almost limitless what it can do.”

According to pharmaceutical giant GSK — which, like Moderna, also manufactures vaccines based on mRNA technology — messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) is a biological molecule that is naturally produced in human cells and carries genetic code for the cells to produce proteins. The company purports that synthetic mRNA vaccine technology is a new platform for vaccines — which will disrupt the field of vaccinology. 

mRNA Mavericks in Singapore

For the record, I was not avoiding the most commonly discussed topic when it comes to the COVID injections — that of mRNA. Rather, I intended to complete this exploratory journey with discourse of mRNA, in my unique way, and I appreciate the patience exhibited by POM readers. 

As I implied in my Prologue, the task of penning this series was to examine what I referred to as the “alchemical marriage of synthetic biology and COVID,” and to provide evidence that biotech tinkerers were re-imagining humanity in a quest for re-genesis. I suspected early on that the impending injections would not only be mandated, but would represent a covert method of re-assembling nature, thereby possibly re-defining what it means to be “human.” COVID was simply a commercialized catalyst — akin to a pitch deck — in marketing advanced technologies that were waiting in the wings, with mRNA playing a pivotal role. My guess is . . . we have not seen anything yet — at least in terms of where they intend to take a human being. 

In reference to the slogan of the Great Reset — build back better — I posed the question, “Could building back — using a plethora of genetic modification projects — be a means to a dead end of humanity, and worse, to biological life itself?” I return to this question in this final installment, and to individuals who may have played (or continue to play) a central role in human genetic modification; and thus, may be considered progenitors of synthetic (or re-assembled) humanity, or perhaps may be more aptly termed “re-genitors.” 

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The Delta Crusaders

I encountered my dentist yesterday at the grocery store, or I should say, my former dentist. I’ve not seen him for a year and a half. He requires everyone to wear a mask, which I find undignified. (I also pee standing up.) We chatted and for some reason he mentioned how awful the news is these days. Then he said “You don’t watch news, do you?” “No,” I said, “never.” I did tell him I knew about the flooding on the east coast, but whatever else has him all depressed I know nothing about. I know there is some psyop going on in Afghanistan, and that California is on fire. (California has a long history of fire suppression, so that when it burns, it burns big. And, of course, I would not put it past Climate Change fanatics to set fires.) Also, I saw on separate screens in the gym (different news outlets) this morning something about a lawyer in South Carolina who was murdered – that story also has a psyop feel about it.

I have noticed that mask wearing is on the rise, maybe half of those I saw yesterday at the store. And I know that would be attributable to what they are calling the “Delta Variant.” Jon Rappoport, always a go-to for me, writes today how there is no test that can distinguish between SARS-CoV-2 and Delta, and legally anyway laboratories are not allowed to report to you on Delta. (Link.) Jon has the same problem as we all do when he writes about this stuff: He has to enter the world of the surreal to get into the minds of ordinary people and government officials who believe in and who spin this nonsense. Jon knows that there is no SARS-CoV-2, so that the Delta Variant is another angel on the head of a pin.

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“Managing” (killing) wolves and other life….

Montana has a new governor that likes to kill things, especially wolves. He’s determined to keep the public from participating in decisions that will greatly expand opportunities for trappers and hunters to kill wolves in Montana. Zoom meetings have replaced public meetings. It’s hard to talk to a real person in a government office these days. Remote is the way bureaucrats and managers like it. See no evil, hear no evil. I’m talking about their impression of the (evil) public, who have been replaced by “stakeholders.” Too bad, so sad.

What makes a cold-blooded killer? It is a mind disease that takes over one’s ability to reason before acting. No amount of psychology, philosophy, religion or will power seems to counteract the urge to kill once it’s overtaken the mind.

Wolves are not trapped and hunted for sustenance. There are obviously cultural and historical reasons one can cite for the collective insanity that drives hatred of wolves and other wild predators. This mind disease is overwhelmingly found in males. Wetiko. Little wetiko, big wetiko, it doesn’t seem to matter. I’ve introduced this subject before.

Perhaps, there’s no finer example of this mass psychosis in action. All top elected officials in the Northern Rockies region — where wolves thrive — fear and hate wolves enough to kill as many as possible, as fast as possible. Of course, it’s not just wolves these executioners are targeting, it’s all life forms. We see that little red dot on our own chest from time to time. We are all targets of the “managers” (killers) charged with managing the universe in the glory of God, apparently. Their god, not mine.

Part 6: Rise of the Cybernetic Wizard ~ Bio-Nanorobots to the Rescue?

“We’ll have nanobots that . . . connect our neocortex to a synthetic neocortex in the cloud . . . Our thinking will be a . . . biological and non-biological hybrid.”

~ Ray Kurzweil, TED 2014

Part 6 of the Series, “Of Monkeys, Mice and Men: From Natural Bodies to Digitized Bots”

Influenza and Zika and COVID, oh my! 

Not to worry . . . the pandemic panopticon-obsessed problem-reaction solutionaries are here to save us! So they say . . . 

In November 2020, I had an “aha” moment, when reading Hacking Matter: Levitating Chairs, Quantum Mirages, and the Infinite Weirdness of Programmable Atoms. The author, Wil McCarthy, who holds a patent in the sector of quantum dot technology, asserted, “At the nanoscale, where we find very tiny, very simple objects . . . the behavior of particles is governed by quantum mechanics . . . your ‘gut feel’ about how a particle should behave is virtually useless for predicting what it will actually do. This is because on the nanoscale, what we call ‘particles’ are really ‘probability waves’ . . . Probability waves can do ‘impossible’ things like leaping across an impenetrable barrier, or existing in many places at the same time, or apparently predicting the future, or being influenced by distant events much faster than the speed of light should allow.” McCarthy continued, “Objects much smaller than a micron in size start to behave in some very non-Newtonian ways . . .” 

Essentially, at the nanoscale, quantum effects begin to dominate the behavior of matter. Let’s just say it gets more spooky.  

I have a sense that when top scientists discovered the bio-nano realm with their atomic force microscopes, they saw a land of opportunity for profit (i.e., in the field of bio-nanomedicine), but I also think they saw a land of plenty — intriguing depths of additional space with which to harness control. The nano space, similar to secret societies, has been highly occulted, as unsuspecting human beings are not equipped with atomic force microscopes with which to peer into our bodies, and the bodies of neighboring plants and animals. There is an entire world inside all of us much smaller than the micro level. When heading way down to the bottom of life’s existence, life has a meaning and function that literally disobeys the laws of gravity.

Continue reading “Part 6: Rise of the Cybernetic Wizard ~ Bio-Nanorobots to the Rescue?”