Martin Gugino, Known Agitator, Takes a Staged Tumble in Buffalo


Our readers were probably all over this one from the start, if they saw it. I know I was. It was clear and obvious from one single viewing of the footage that this man, Martin Gugino, was waiting for his cue to approach the riot police. His fall? Comically bad acting.

What was the dead giveaway for me? I am serious…he waited for his cue! When the riot police are counting down towards advancing, our pal Martin literally waits for the word “MARCH!” before making an obvious beeline towards the pair of riot police. Worse than that, he grabs at the gun of one of the officers! It could not be more obvious that this man wanted to be pushed away, and his fall was a slapstick farce. He made sure to do it right in front of the cameras.

As it turns out, this is only the tip of the iceberg…

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George Floyd, The Stiff Who Came In From The Cold


In previous posts, I have postulated that the death of George Floyd was a fake media story. This is still my belief, and in this post I hope to demonstrate exactly how simple it would be for such a hoax to play out. Most people dramatically inflate the number of participants who would need to be involved for such a hoax to play out, and the complexity required to make it happen. Take the following scenario as evidence to the contrary, and my own personal theory of what we might be seeing. This theory explains the maximum number of real details with the minimum amount of complexity. Also, it explains how they are displaying the real body of the real George Floyd, among many other things.

Continue reading “George Floyd, The Stiff Who Came In From The Cold”

George Floyd & The Counterfeit Story of a Counterfeit $20 Bill


A “guest writer” on the Taos blog recently took up case for the George Floyd story being fake. While I agree with that conclusion, I find the paper as a whole to be an incoherent mess. That kind of thing does us more harm than good. With that said, the paper does make one solid argument and it is the same argument that stood out to me immediately upon first hearing the script behind the George Floyd event. This pertains to the counterfeit $20 bill, and its existence at the center of this narrative.

Continue reading “George Floyd & The Counterfeit Story of a Counterfeit $20 Bill”

George Floyd Murder is Fairytale Hoax

Turn off your television. Turn off the news media. Do not visit their websites. Do not listen to their broadcasts. The reality they present is not real. Turn it off. It is poison for your mind. Turn it off, now.

For more on this subject, check out my latest piece George Floyd, The Stiff Who Came in From the Cold

A Cohesive 5G/Coronavirus Theory & Timeline

There have been many preemptive strikes in the media recently against conspiracy theory sites connecting 5G with coronavirus. The underlying premise being that 5G is the cause of the coronavirus, and that there is no coronavirus. What I would like to present here is a cohesive theory for how the two phenomena are connected (also known as “a conspiracy”), while also making clear that this conspiracy has nothing to do with 5G being the cause of coronavirus, or coronavirus not existing. Instead, my theory is that the coronavirus mass hysteria was always designed as chaotic cover for the initial roll-out of 5G and its related side effects.

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Coronahoax is classic PROBLEM, REACTION, SOLUTION

A short follow-up on the coronahoax from me. We are not in the grip of a pandemic. A pandemic of fear, maybe. We can debate all day whether there really is some unique, new virus out there (and whether viruses even cause illness), but what is not debatable is that the media and government are acting in a completely indefensible manner. With only 35,000 people shown to be dead across the globe (even with incredibly padded and pushed numbers), this shows us that even as far as they have tried to stretch this, they have not been terribly successful. While the media is under their complete control, it is REALITY that they have not been able to be manipulate to match the fear-mongering. People are not actually dying in vast numbers. This means that either the virus itself is a fraud, or the fatality numbers are hyperinflated to the point that the true fatality rate is in the <0.1% range of cold or flu. In any case, you are being lied to by the media and this quarantine is doing far more damage than it provides value.

What we are truly seeing with Coronahoax 2020 is a classic “Problem, Reaction, Solution” ploy by those at the top…

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Occult Secret Societies of the Fox River Valley

The latest coronavirus paper from our friend in Taos (although apparently “he” is moving?) has me in total agreement on one point: if they want us obsessing about the dreaded COVID-19, then we should absolutely NOT be obsessing about it. Our lives are being disrupted, and as annoying as this is, we should not let it distract us for our regular pursuits of truth.

In that vein, my recent research into the Steven Avery frame-up case has lead down some really fascinating avenues. I still believe it to be very unlikely that Teresa Halbach is dead. The most jaw-dropping item I found are a series of stories told by an unrelated resident of Wisconsin’s Fox River Valley about the local secret society and his account of being pressured by them.

For a little back-story…before Netflix, Steven Avery first spent 18 years in prison for a rape on the shores of Lake Michigan that was equally mysterious to the later frame-up case. A key witness to this first crime was a man by the name of Dave Begotka, and the story below is his to tell. He speaks of total local control by members of a secret society. You have to hear it to believe it. There is murder, occult, sex magic, devil worship, more frame-ups, and the kind of ruthlessness you just can’t make up.

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Quarantine Eureka: ‘Making A Murderer’ Victim Halbach is Not Dead

As many people are becoming acutely aware, being quarantined is an excellent excuse to watch an obscene number of movies and shows via Netflix, Hulu, Prime Video, and all the others. I am certainly finding this out. I have watched more movies in the last week than any human being ever should. One thing I specifically watched this week that I had not seen before is the “Making a Murderer” Netflix series. As “awakened” individuals, we can often view these things from a strange perspective. This series is no different. Guess what I have found? Making A Murderer does not represent a murder at all! It represents a disappearance.

Continue reading “Quarantine Eureka: ‘Making A Murderer’ Victim Halbach is Not Dead”

Coronavirus Doctor Li Wenliang Did Not Exist

This post is more relevant now than ever before. If Chinese poster-child Li Wenliang did not exist, then why would we believe anything we are told about the COVID-19 fake pandemic? The Chinese statistics were shown to be simulated, the poster-child is shown here to be completely fraudulent. The entire event is fraudulent. The numbers are rigged. The media is telling a story that does not need to reflect reality. Do not believe what you are being told. If there is a new virus, it is a weak one that is not worthy of this panic. Re-posting this as a reminder to out audience who might have missed it initially. The emperor wears no clothes! The pandemic does not exist.

Piece of Mindful


Readers might already know that I was on the trail of this one, and I think it is worthy of its own post. Last week, the doctor who was known as the “whistleblower” on the Chinese coronavirus was reported to have died from the virus. The red flags surrounding this death are redder than the Chinese flag is red. Something fishy absolutely happened here, and below I will explore what I believe we have witnessed: Li Wenliang did not exist (or if he did, he was a state agent and most certainly did not die of the coronavirus).

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