Did Ruth Bader Ginsburg Actually Die Months Ago?

If you are one of our readers, you have hopefully stopped believing anything you are told by the mainstream media. If we are dealing with news about some kind of major political figure, this skepticism should be triple. Given this logic, when I heard about the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg tonight, alarm bells naturally started ringing.

How convenient that Justice Ginsburg lasted until only a month and a half before a major Presidential election such with a major illness!

Deaths are almost never so conveniently timed, if natural and immediately reported. With this as my guiding logic, I began doing some basic research into her death, and my preliminary findings are concerning enough that I wanted to get them out immediately. From what I can see, Ruth Bader Ginsburg may have died quite some time ago.

Continue reading “Did Ruth Bader Ginsburg Actually Die Months Ago?”

Irrefutable Scientific Proof ISS Footage is Fraudulent

Among my favorite hoax topics is the fraudulence of the International Space Station.

Videos purporting to be from the International Space Station are absolutely not taken from orbit. This has been demonstrated without the slightest shadow of a doubt in many different ways. There are dozens of undeniable anomalies in videos without any acceptable explanation. These are conclusive to anyone who is fairly judging; the ISS footage cannot possibly be shot in a real weightless free-fall orbit environment.

With that said, I think I have discovered the most conclusive self-outing ISS video possible. The smoking gun, if you will. In this post, you will find a video of André Kuipers (pictured above) and a screw, and boy does André really screw the pooch with this screw…

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Blue and Yellow make Green

‘Green’ billionaires behind professional activist network that led suppression of ‘Planet of the Humans’ documentary

Green New Deal

Wall Street Democrats (“Blue”) and “Environmental NGOs” who act green in name only (“Yellow”) have been conspiring to kick-start the 4th Industrial Revolution for decades now. Nothing has changed. Global mega-banks continue to trade “green stocks” just like any other stock, bond, commodity or synthetic instrument.

A pic is worth 1,000 words.

Any organization with a large annual budget — let’s use $1 million as a rough figure — is in on the scam. Most, if not all, of these fake environmental corporations, fake hunting advocacy groups, fake “conservation” organizations, are extensions of the Democratic Party. They all collaborate with the destroyers of planet earth. They all have made their “deal with the Devil.”

Climate is the umbrella under which most of the new propaganda is generated. Fear is the emotional touch-tone used to dupe the goyim into another frenzy, another round of consumer purchases that will end up in the landfill just like the last newer, better models that are now outdated and cast aside for the latest in technology and “science.”

Anyway, not much of this is new to most of our savvy readers. The article linked above is comprehensive in that it links the faces and major players in the latest global roundup and con — going green. Bigger the mass number of duped souls, the bigger the ecological catastrophe when the wrapper comes off and things go to shit, yet once again. Nothing changes but the sales pitch.

ps. Stephers (thank you) sent me this: http://www.wrongkindofgreen.org/2020/09/11/comments-on-green-billionaires-behind-professional-activist-network-that-led-suppression-of-planet-of-the-humans-documentary/

Cory Morningstar, IMO, is the most informed journalist/writer on this (faux-green) subject. Her reflections on the article I posted are more important to understanding all the twists and turns in the “Green” stampede than all of Blumenthal’s. His focus on Moore’s movie LIMITS (limited hangout) our view.

Framing John Lotter: The Fake Murder of Brandon Teena

The deception in this case is enough to give anyone vertigo.

This is a long-form article about the 1993 fake murder of Brandon Teena, the infamous trans-gendered Nebraska citizen. Please buckle up and prepare as I first walk you through the basics, then get we will get neck deep into the fakery.

Continue reading “Framing John Lotter: The Fake Murder of Brandon Teena”

The Ghost in the PCR Machine: Plugged into the COVID Nightmare

In memory of David Crowe of theinfectiousmyth.com who passed away July 12, 2020.

When are we going to awaken from this nightmare? It gets more surreal by the day. 

To add to the situation, I am throwing a wrench in the gears. On August 10, 2020, Jon Rappoport posted, “COVID: is the virus real?” — an expanded perspective, referring to SARS-CoV-2 as the “woo woo virus.” I suspect even Rappoport may not quite grasp the “woo woo” factor that could potentially be implicated in this event. Prepare your mind to stretch to seemingly impossibilities. Grab a hot mug of coffee or herbal tea. Then have at this. Happy sipping and reading . . . 

Continue reading “The Ghost in the PCR Machine: Plugged into the COVID Nightmare”

CGI Facial Overlay Use Accelerating in Mainstream Media

A week or so ago, I posted about the bizarre Kamala Harris interview from July 18th. While the headline questioned whether she was a clone, I tried to be as lukewarm on the cloning explanation as possible. Truth be told, I wasn’t exactly sure what was going on. I wanted to know what the readers thought, and you all did not disappoint.

In the comments to that post, people had said that it was a Deepfake of Kamala. I adamantly disagreed. I noticed certain tics that you would only see out of an actor…an impersonator, and this is not the kind of thing you would see out of a completely artificial Deepfake. They would make the performance as solid as possible.

After some fresh research, I wanted to apologize for disagreeing so strongly. It clouded my judgment. I am writing this post to walk back some of my disagreement. While I reiterate that Kamala was not a total Deepfake, I completely agree that it was a CGI facial overlay. Down this rabbit hole, there is much more to find…

Continue reading “CGI Facial Overlay Use Accelerating in Mainstream Media”

Kamala Harris Replaced with Clone Ahead of VP Announcement?


To remind readers, here at Piece of Mindful we have actively questioned whether major public figures are genetically engineered beings. Imagine my surprise after witnessing Kamala Harris, the clear betting favorite to become the Democrat VP nominee, suddenly get replaced with a lookalike ahead of her possible announcement as VP candidate. Isn’t that just fascinating?!? This may just be the start of a whole new and fascinating line of inquiry.

Continue reading “Kamala Harris Replaced with Clone Ahead of VP Announcement?”

Shall we play a game?

Below is a brief dialogue from War Games, the 1983 Cold War science fiction film (see the movie trailer above), in which a young computer hacker, David Lightman, unwittingly accesses a US military supercomputer. In the film, Lightman gets the WOPR (War Operation Plan Response) supercomputer to run a nuclear war simulation, believing it to be a computer game. But the computer is connected to the U.S. nuclear weapons control system and unable to distinguish simulation from reality. 

Falken (The WOPR creator): It’s a bluff, John, call it off.

John (the operations head): No, it’s not a bluff, it’s real. 

Falken: General, what you see on these screens up here, is a fantasy, a computer-enhanced hallucination. Those blips are not real missiles, they’re phantoms.

John (to the General): Jack, there’s nothing to indicate a simulation at all.

Falken: General, you are listening to a machine (referring to WOPR – the supercomputer). Do the world a favor, and don’t act like one.

Alright, are we just being played? Are nukes, and the potential for a nuclear war, a bluff? Are pandemics a bluff? Is police brutality a bluff? Is the population control agenda a bluff? Is the Singularity a bluff? 

Continue reading “Shall we play a game?”

COVID-19: A new superimposed reality – part 2 – moving forward

The self-imposed “global shapers” do not want society to move forward. Rather, they want to MOVE US forward, and they demonstrate that at the World Economic Forum’s site outlining The Great Reset initiative. In the words of Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum,“We must not miss this unique window of opportunity.” In the same video (linked above), Prince Charles chimed in, “We have a golden opportunity to seize something good from this crisis. Its unprecedented shockwaves may well make people more receptive to big visions of change.” He continued, “Think big, and act now.”

In my opinion, this rapid movement and evolution into the future — this “momentum” — is anything but organic. I suggest this is ALL by highly calculated design. Problem. Reaction. Solution. Not a new concept for POM readers.

Chasing Their Tales and Our Tails 

I’d like to piggyback on MT’s recent post with respect to the Cuban Missile Crisis being a hoax. One of the most helpful documents I have ever come across (in my preoccupation with hoaxes) is Fakeologist’s list of psyops — the Psyop Histogram. Since discovering this work of art, I have echoed this by creating my own charts involving presumed staged events.

Continue reading “COVID-19: A new superimposed reality – part 2 – moving forward”

The Second Wave Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Coronavirus

The Second Wave.

Just typing it makes me want to vomit up my spleen. It feels so prepared. Carefully crafted. Focus-grouped. “The Second Wave”. This phrase has very suddenly been crapped into public awareness. My own mother (who as it turns out is an excellent barometer for the success of public brainwashing) is extremely concerned. Someone please lobotomize me. I’ll pay for the ice pick.

Let’s start with the logical contradictions, and go from there…

Continue reading “The Second Wave Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Coronavirus”