Some optimism checked by reality

This morning and yesterday I stumbled upon two legal proceedings I knew nothing about, one because I read WattsUpWithThat, Anthony Watts’ remarkable website that acts as a clearinghouse for skepticism about climate change and global warming. The other was a newspaper I received in the mail, and I have no idea which mailing list placed me on the list of recipients. (It could be that I subscribed to National Review, a conservative outlet, for a brief time a couple of years ago.) It is a newspaper, that is, large pages using real paper, pages that can be turned and folded. It is called The Epoch Times. (It is online, of course, but they sent me a real newspaper.)

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The real purpose of vaccines

Below the fold here I am going to reprint a comment left for us by TimR, with permission. The reason for this is that I do not want to take the time to essentially rewrite his words. I will leave well enough alone.

The reason I want to feature the comment is that it points to a source that perhaps hints at something I’ve long suspected, that the real purpose of (pre-Covid-19) vaccines was to protect industries from lawsuits. Pharmaceutical companies have now gone nuts with vaccinating kids, so another purpose would just be a profit center. I hope it is just saline.

I say “pre-Covid” because those vaccines are serving a real (and unstated) purpose having nothing to do with illness, and everything to do with a massive fake pandemic used to create a stampede to the vaccine. Time will tell, but I would allege that the purpose of those vaccines is depopulation. We know that people behind it, Bill Gates for instance, are eugenicists as well as misanthropes, that is, they want fewer people because in general, they hate people.

We all have our moments, I know. I disparage of humanity at times. But I do not hate people.

Here is TimR’s comment:

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Carl Sagan on scientific tyranny

This link is to Fakeologist and a video that is very brief, a minute or so of Carl Sagan interviewed by Charlie Rose not too long before his death in 1996. In the clip, Sagan is warning us of scientific tyranny, what happens when the public has no basis in science.

Of course, that is fait accompli now. Covid was the worst expression of such tyranny, a complete hoax with a fake virus and a testing process guaranteed to imitate a spreading disease.

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The mysterious greenhouse effect

It is a well-advertised fact that putting CO2 (usually referred to as “carbon” ***) into the atmosphere causes global warming. My problems with this idea are that 1) the planet is barely, almost imperceptibly warming, and 2) CO2’s role in this mild warming is very tiny. The demonization of carbon dioxide is another agenda, having nothing to do with warming, and everything to do with command and control, population reduction, and perpetuation of poverty, especially in Africa. Climate Change is in large part a racist agenda.

So, I say CO2 is not a cause of warming. Where are my facts? There are quite a few “greenhouse gases,” the primary ones being water vapor, CO2, and methane. The latter two, CO2 and methane, pale in significance to water vapor, which is the cause of 95% of the so-called greenhouse effect. That is more than twenty six times that of CO2, and over 237 times that of methane. So that if we truly wanted to stop or slow down the greenhouse effect, we would be sequestering water, not CO2.

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Sunday stuff

Taylor Tomlinson’s imaginary illness

I watched a performance by comedian Taylor Tomlinson last night. She is young (currently 28) and having lots of success. She’s also blue, that is, quite a big of her act involves sexual experiences and attitudes about sex and guys in general. I suppose part of that is that she is very attractive, so as with, say, Iliza Shlesinger, there is an element of imagined accessibility for guys. Neither are stunners, but both exude raw sex appeal. Most guys would fantasize that they perhaps have a shot with her. That type of fantasy does not happen with true knockouts, where guys realize they have no shot.

That’s not why I am writing about her (them). Both are very funny, and I wish them both long and prosperous careers. During Tomlinson’s act, she talked about being “manic depressive”. For anyone who does not know, that condition, sometimes referred to as a “disease” and treated with antidepressants and antispychotics, probably doesn’t exist. It is like the hundreds of disorders promoted by the DSM-5, The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition. There is no physical or blood or urine test that would give any indication of illness, no medical test of any kind. Like so many of the “disorders” promoted by the psychiatric profession, they are voted up or down. It’s based on symptoms, things like bouts of depression or spells of anxiety, erratic behaviors, or substance abuse.

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This virus is udderly cow-culated

Riddle: A virologist, a fetal bovine, and an African green monkey walk into a lab . . .

I am confident readers can detail and complete this riddle more creatively and humorously than I can. Have at it!

In October 2020, I posted a short essay, “The Defense is Rwaawwng.” Therein, I described how Tom Cowan demonstrated that the SARS-CoV-2 virus could only be grown in poisoned monkey kidney cellsunable to be cultured in human tissue cells. So even if there was a virus, it seems it lacked the capability to infect any human. The entire virus story should have been squashed at that point.

15 months later, Tom Cowan hammers yet another nail into the virology coffin. I will, once again, keep this succinct.

It may be time for a brief primer on FBS. No, FBS is not a syndrome involving irritable bowels (that is IBS!). FBS refers to Fetal Bovine Serum, which is used ubiquitously for in vitro R&D, including the culturing of viruses (inaptly termed isolation) and the manufacturing of vaccines. See this four-minute video depicting how FBS is produced. Essentially (as characterized in the linked video), FBS is a clotted blood growth supplement harvested from pregnant slaughterhouse cows, and subsequently used in cell cultures — so as to provide a cultivation medium (due to its inherent growth factors). Fortunately, the brief aforementioned video describing this heinous process is animated. 

Watch Tom Cowan in his January 28, 2022 webinar destroy any notion that an actual virus has been genuinely identified. At best, it has been udderly cow-culated, as most (if not all) reported findings of SARS-CoV-2 have been developed in vitro in a mathematical compound containing fetal bovine serum (FBS). At worst, the only intact SARS-CoV-2 virus has been a computed AI construct — a fictitious virus solely existing as a computer-generated simulation (which I first posited in April 2020). 

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To Isolate a Virus, to Eliminate an Ice Age

This post is experimental. I am using Nuance Dragon software that allows me to speak and write at the same time. This is a newer version that I just purchased yesterday that coordinates very nicely with Firefox, allowing me to use the same software as always when writing a blog post, but while dictating rather than keyboarding. I am wearing what looks like an oven mitten on my right hand, so that the only digits available to me are the index and thumb of that hand. Apparently the hand is going to be out of commission for at least a couple of weeks, so this software is coming in incredibly handy.

I refer you to a paper entitled Statement On Virus Isolation (SOVI) written by Sally Fallon Morell, Thomas Cowan, MD, and Andrew Kaufman, MD. The concepts in this paper should be familiar to everyone here, so this is an exercise in formatting and using various tools offered by WordPress. I will quote the opening section.

Continue reading “To Isolate a Virus, to Eliminate an Ice Age”

Lies and lying liars at NOAA

Several times a week I visit WUWT, or Watts Up With That, the amazing website run by meteorologist Anthony Watts. There he chronicles the entire Climate Change scam, naming names and calling out liars. They are all about, on a mission to distort reality for nefarious and vile purposes, which appear to be to impoverish us and reduce our numbers. The people behind climate change are criminals of historic stature. None can be trusted.

But I accept that about them, and I think as I read through WUWT that it is pointless to point out the lies and lying liars, as they know who they are and what they are doing. They are even rewarded. Take, for instance, David Viner, who laughably predicted in the year 2000 that Great Brittan had seen the last of this thing we call “snow.” It isn’t just stupid junk science and openly wrong, but also note that Viner is impermeable to any career damage caused by his own bad science. Here’s from his CV:

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One-World Scientism and its “Trust the Science” Refrain

“It’s no surprise that modern civilization, intellectually based on a fool’s version of ‘science,’ has built science as a new religion, with all the restrictions that organized religions have enforced . . . Talking news heads are feeding the population fast-food COVID science—a manufactured product consisting of synthetic bullshit about cases, deaths, the virus, the vaccine. It’s cardboard. And no dissenters allowed.”

Jon Rappoport, September 28, 2021

Dangerous speech verses free speech mobs of ignoramuses

Collectively (POM writers and commenters), we have analyzed and decoded this long-running, persistent, and egregious event called “COVID.” While a daunting task, there is some unique allure that draws us in, and very strangely, excites us. Before I get judged or berated, please allow me to define “excite” in the way I perceive it. 

Let’s look at the Merriam-Webster definition of excite:

Definition of excite:

1 ato call to activity 

b : to rouse to an emotional response

cto arouse (something, such as a strong emotional response) by appropriate stimuli


3 : to increase the activity of (something, such as a living organism) : STIMULATE

Would you agree that this definition of excite describes what you have exhibited since March 2020? In other words, have you been provoked or have you intensified your emotional response consistently over the past 18 months? I have. I readily admit to this. I also think we can agree that we have not been excited in a positive way.

Most human beings are naturally sensation-seeking, or excitement-seeking. Essentially, it may be an innate trait to desire novel experiences. Perhaps it is our brains that motivate us to want to cultivate new and unfamiliar circumstances, despite the fear and anxiety that typically accompanies them. My sense is this drive for excitement resides much deeper than our brains; it’s wired into the very consciousness that informs us — in order to provide opportunities for growth and evolution.

Why am I leading with this? Well, because the spell-binding and mind-blinding phenomenon we have observed since this operation began may be summed up in one word, excitement. Can you see what I am getting at? I am attempting to describe how the masses are actually excited by this induced trauma. I would go even further, and propose that the hypnotized populace is possibly being pulsed with external electromagnetic fields (through computer monitors, smart devices, and televisions) aimed to stimulate and accentuate excitation and sensory resonance.

Continue reading “One-World Scientism and its “Trust the Science” Refrain”

Darrell Ehrlick lectures us on masks and vaccines

Please note well: I should report at the beginning here that our writer Stephers, currently inundated in flood waters, has a much better and deeper view of Covid vaccines, leading one to suspect they are not in fact vaccines, but rather gene modifiers. Graphene oxide has been found in them, she writes and backs with evidence. Somehow 5 and 6G is a tie-in. I lack her abilities in that area. I urge you to read her posts to get a broader view.  Here I wrote about the vaccine as if it were a real vaccine, and by no means did I mean to sell her work short. I am a creature of habit.

I refer you to this post by Darrel Ehrlick, who was once the editor of the Billings Gazette, a longstanding Montana newspaper in what was once the state’s largest city. Travis Mateer, aka the poet William Skink, brought my attention to Ehrlick with this post, kind of a rant. I did my own rant in the comments. There I mentioned an interview I had heard, a comedian whose name I did not catch. As I posted,

[The comedian] talked about being in college, pre-med, when he realized he was funny and that comedy was his real calling. He wanted a degree, and so asked his advisor about what would be the quickest and easiest way out of college. He was advised to switch to journalism.

I then go on to refer to Dunning-Kruger, the study wherein it was determined that people of low intellectual ability are not capable of realizing their own intellectual shortcomings due to … low intellectual ability.

I have no doubt that Ehrlick’s office is  lined with diplomas and honors, maybe awards. As professions go, journalism is perhaps the least self-aware, and also one that hands out awards to one another like Halloween candy. It is also a very smug profession, and as we all know, smugness, while annoying, is also a defense mechanism used to hide deep insecurity. On some level, do journalists suspect they are frauds?

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